Quotes of Phil Bredesen - somelinesforyou

“ Tennessee is full of families - rich and poor - who manage to achieve balance. They use the resources they have, and add faith in God, love and commitment to each other, hard work and a focus on their children.These are the real families, the families that work, the families that shine… ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ When I was sworn in as Mayor of Nashville back in 1991, I have to admit to you that I felt for several weeks like a bit of an outsider who had somehow taken over but didn't really belong in this nice palace. I secretly wondered if the real mayor would come back from vacation one day and call the police. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our recent legislative sessions had everything a good reporter could wish for: A willful governor, an angry and divided legislature, citizens who know how to use their car horns. Plenty of conflict. Plenty of personalities. As journalists, I'm sure it was a fascinating scene to watch unfold. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ There are certainly good people who think it will be an issue and one Democrats ought to take advantage of. I just think there are much bigger issues out there. I really do. I think people are mad about it but I'm not sure you can point the finger to a party or a person. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ The genius of America is that we are still a land of undiscovered shores, and we are at our best when we open our hearts and allow the night winds to bring renewed visions of great deeds. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our recent legislative sessions had everything a good reporter could wish for: A willful governor, an angry and divided legislature, citizens who know how to use their car horns. Plenty of conflict. Plenty of personalities. As journalists, I'm sure it was a fascinating scene to watch unfold. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Tennessee is full of families - rich and poor - who manage to achieve balance. They use the resources they have, and add faith in God, love and commitment to each other, hard work and a focus on their children.These are the real families, the families that work, the families that shine… ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ When I was sworn in as Mayor of Nashville back in 1991, I have to admit to you that I felt for several weeks like a bit of an outsider who had somehow taken over but didn't really belong in this nice palace. I secretly wondered if the real mayor would come back from vacation one day and call the police. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our recent legislative sessions had everything a good reporter could wish for: A willful governor, an angry and divided legislature, citizens who know how to use their car horns. Plenty of conflict. Plenty of personalities. As journalists, I'm sure it was a fascinating scene to watch unfold. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our recent legislative sessions had everything a good reporter could wish for: A willful governor, an angry and divided legislature, citizens who know how to use their car horns. Plenty of conflict. Plenty of personalities. As journalists, I'm sure it was a fascinating scene to watch unfold. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our state's strategy on methamphetamine, and any other issue, is going to be a moving target. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our recent legislative sessions had everything a good reporter could wish for: A willful governor, an angry and divided legislature, citizens who know how to use their car horns. Plenty of conflict. Plenty of personalities. As journalists, I'm sure it was a fascinating scene to watch unfold. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our recent legislative sessions had everything a good reporter could wish for: A willful governor, an angry and divided legislature, citizens who know how to use their car horns. Plenty of conflict. Plenty of personalities. As journalists, I'm sure it was a fascinating scene to watch unfold. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Tennessee is full of families - rich and poor - who manage to achieve balance. They use the resources they have, and add faith in God, love and commitment to each other, hard work and a focus on their children.These are the real families, the families that work, the families that shine… ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our state's strategy on methamphetamine, and any other issue, is going to be a moving target. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ When I was sworn in as Mayor of Nashville back in 1991, I have to admit to you that I felt for several weeks like a bit of an outsider who had somehow taken over but didn't really belong in this nice palace. I secretly wondered if the real mayor would come back from vacation one day and call the police. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ When I was sworn in as Mayor of Nashville back in 1991, I have to admit to you that I felt for several weeks like a bit of an outsider who had somehow taken over but didn't really belong in this nice palace. I secretly wondered if the real mayor would come back from vacation one day and call the police. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ When I was sworn in as Mayor of Nashville back in 1991, I have to admit to you that I felt for several weeks like a bit of an outsider who had somehow taken over but didn't really belong in this nice palace. I secretly wondered if the real mayor would come back from vacation one day and call the police. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ When I was sworn in as Mayor of Nashville back in 1991, I have to admit to you that I felt for several weeks like a bit of an outsider who had somehow taken over but didn't really belong in this nice palace. I secretly wondered if the real mayor would come back from vacation one day and call the police. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Continuing economic growth requires both recruitment of new companies and expansion of existing businesses,... Today's announcement is a combination of both. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our recent legislative sessions had everything a good reporter could wish for: A willful governor, an angry and divided legislature, citizens who know how to use their car horns. Plenty of conflict. Plenty of personalities. As journalists, I'm sure it was a fascinating scene to watch unfold. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ When I was sworn in as Mayor of Nashville back in 1991, I have to admit to you that I felt for several weeks like a bit of an outsider who had somehow taken over but didn't really belong in this nice palace. I secretly wondered if the real mayor would come back from vacation one day and call the police. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ The genius of America is that we are still a land of undiscovered shores, and we are at our best when we open our hearts and allow the night winds to bring renewed visions of great deeds. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our recent legislative sessions had everything a good reporter could wish for: A willful governor, an angry and divided legislature, citizens who know how to use their car horns. Plenty of conflict. Plenty of personalities. As journalists, I'm sure it was a fascinating scene to watch unfold. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Tennessee is full of families - rich and poor - who manage to achieve balance. They use the resources they have, and add faith in God, love and commitment to each other, hard work and a focus on their children.These are the real families, the families that work, the families that shine… ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our recent legislative sessions had everything a good reporter could wish for: A willful governor, an angry and divided legislature, citizens who know how to use their car horns. Plenty of conflict. Plenty of personalities. As journalists, I'm sure it was a fascinating scene to watch unfold. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our recent legislative sessions had everything a good reporter could wish for: A willful governor, an angry and divided legislature, citizens who know how to use their car horns. Plenty of conflict. Plenty of personalities. As journalists, I'm sure it was a fascinating scene to watch unfold. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Our state's strategy on methamphetamine, and any other issue, is going to be a moving target. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ The genius of America is that we are still a land of undiscovered shores, and we are at our best when we open our hearts and allow the night winds to bring renewed visions of great deeds. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ Continuing economic growth requires both recruitment of new companies and expansion of existing businesses,... Today's announcement is a combination of both. ”

- Phil Bredesen
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