Quotes of Nashville - somelinesforyou

“ There's nothing like Nashville for making records. ”

- Carol Channing

“ I didn't really fit well with what was going on in Nashville at the time. I was too loud, I was too bluesy, I was too a lot of things. ”

- Charlie Daniels

“ Everybody wants to write a hit song, but in Nashville people want to write the best song, which was my original intention as a singer/songwriter. ”

- Melissa Manchester

“ When I was sworn in as Mayor of Nashville back in 1991, I have to admit to you that I felt for several weeks like a bit of an outsider who had somehow taken over but didn't really belong in this nice palace. I secretly wondered if the real mayor would come back from vacation one day and call the police. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ I don't have any real process. Some people in Nashville go in like an assembly line. They're able to go and write. My son runs a publishing company. He has writers that come down. They get together in a room with the people that actually make appointments, and write - which is great… ”

- Charlie Daniels
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