Quotes of Lucid - somelinesforyou

“ Charm is a way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clear question. ”

- Albert Camus

“ The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. ”

- Albert Einstein

“ When one loves somebody, everything is clear - where to go, what to do - it all takes care of itself and one doesn't have to ask anybody about anything. ”

- Maxim Gorky

“ There's something about the Houdini act that is not always made clear - about the escape act in general. ”

- James Randi

“ My duty is clear and at all costs will be done. ”

- John Burns

“ Here's to old Adam's crystal ale, Clear sparkling and divine, Fair H2O, long may you flow, We think your health (in wine). ”

- Oliver Herford

“ You get what you reward. Be clear about what you want to get and systematically reward it. ”

- Bob Nelson

“ One truth is clear, Whatever is is right. ”

- Alexander Pope

“ I didn't say that i didn't say it. i said that i didn't say that i said it. i want to make that very clear. ”

- George Romney

“ Freedom is a clear conscience. ”

- Periander

“ Admitting error clears the score, and proves you wiser than before. ”

- Arthur Guiterman

“ Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens. ”

- Carl Jung

“ Fads don't last, but it should be clear by now that the Beatles are no ordinary fad. ”

- The Beatles

“ So may heaven's grace clear away the foam from the conscience, that the river of thy thoughts may roll limpid thenceforth. ”

- Dante Alighieri

“ Focusing on the act of breathing clears the mind of all daily distractions and clears our energy enabling us to better connect with the Spirit within. ”

- Unknown

“ The more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless. ”

- Steven Weinberg

“ Let me be clear. I support the definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. ”

- Ben Nelson

“ You won't catch me giving clear lectures. ”

- Donald Norman

“ We're clear on one thing,... I support Freddy Ferrer. ”

- David Dinkins

“ What I really dream of is that somebody would blow everything I've done out of the water in a beautiful way, which would clear the way for something better to come along. ”

- Leslie Fiedler

“ It is clear this individual has withheld information. ”

- Robert Chapman

“ We didn't come away with a clear commitment. ”

- Michael Green

“ Unless you are a genius, it is best to aim at being intelligible. ”

- Anthony Hope

“ The question is: Where would it get you if something that's a little bit ambiguous in the movie is made clear? It doesn't get you anywhere. ”

- Joel Coen

“ I've managed to keep a clear head and remain sane in this business because I remain a kid off-camera. ”

- Leonardo DiCaprio

“ When you want to make it clear to the rest of the world that you are not an imperialist, the best countries to have with you are Britain and Spain. ”

- Bill Maher

“ Mr. Lennon would want me free, and I'd like to clear that up. ”

- Mark David Chapman

“ Yes, I'm religious. God has shown me things, made certain ways clear to me. ”

- Richard Pryor

“ Make my breast transparent as pure crystal, that the world, jealous of me, may see the foulest thought my heart does hold. ”

- George Villiers

“ There are bad times just around the corner,/ We can all look forward to despair, / It's as clear as crystal / From Bridlington to Bristol / That we can't save democracy / And we don't much care. ”

- Noel Coward
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