Quotes of George Villiers - somelinesforyou

“ The world's a forest, in which all lose their way; though by a different path each goes astray. ”

- George Villiers

“ Men's fame is like their hair, which grows after they are dead, and with just as little use to them. ”

- George Villiers

“ Men's fame is like their hair, which grows after they are dead, and with just as little use to them. ”

- George Villiers

“ Make my breast transparent as pure crystal, that the world, jealous of me, may see the foulest thought my heart does hold. ”

- George Villiers

“ The world's a forest, in which all lose their way; though by a different path each goes astray. ”

- George Villiers

“ The world's a forest, in which all lose their way; though by a different path each goes astray. ”

- George Villiers

“ What the devil does the plot signify, except to bring in fine things? ”

- George Villiers

“ For all true love is grounded on esteem. ”

- George Villiers

“ The world's a forest, in which all lose their way; though by a different path each goes astray. ”

- George Villiers

“ The world's a forest, in which all lose their way; though by a different path each goes astray. ”

- George Villiers
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