Quotes of Liver - somelinesforyou

“ Expect nothing; liver frugally on surprise. ”

- Alice Walker

“ 'T is better to be lowly born, And range with humble livers in content, Than to be perked up in a glistering grief, And wear a golden sorrow. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. Might as well speak of a female liver. ”

- Charlotte Perkins Gilman

“ In a study, scientists report that drinking beer can be good for the liver. I'm sorry, did I say scientists? I meant Irish people. ”

- Tina Fey

“ A bad liver is to a Frenchman what a nervous breakdown is to an American. Everyone has had one and everyone wants to talk about it. ”

- Art Buchwald

“ Old age is when the liver spots show through your gloves. ”

- Phyllis Diller

“ My liver swells with bile difficult to repress. ”

- Horace

“ Lord, confound this surly sister, blight her brow with blotch and blister, cramp her larynx, lung and liver, in her guts a galling give her. ”

- J. M. Synge

“ Life loves the liver of it. ”

- Maya Angelou

“ Is life worth living? It all depends on the liver. ”

- William James

“ A man does not die of love or his liver or even of old age; he dies of being a man. ”

- Percival Arland Ussher

“ To become a celebrity is to become a brand name. There is Ivory Soap, Rice Krispies, and Philip Roth. Ivory is the soap that floats; Rice Krispies the breakfast cereal that goes snap-crackle-pop; Philip Roth the Jew who masturbates with a piece of liver. ”

- Philip Roth

“ New York is the greatest city in the world for lunch That's the gregarious time. And when that first martini hits the liver like a silver bullet, there is a sigh of contentment that can be heard in Dubuque. ”

- William Emerson Jr.

“ We sit at breakfast, we sit on the train on the way to work, we sit at work, we sit at lunch, we sit all afternoon a hodgepodge of sagging livers, sinking gallbladders, drooping stomachs, compressed intestines and squashed pelvic organs. ”

- John Button Jr.

“ I don't care if you call it AO for Adults Only, or Chopped Liver or Father Goose. Your movie will still have the stigma of being in a category that's going to be inhabited by the very worst of pictures. ”

- Jack Valenti
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