Quotes of Investor - somelinesforyou

“ For the first time, Congress will take a detailed look at why the primary guardians of Enron's shareholders were unable to protect them. ”

- Susan Collins

“ We are pleased with the progress of our international operations, whilst we remain cautious about prospects in the UK, where we have experienced the slowdown in consumer expenditure. ”

- John Clare

“ To expose a 4.2 trillion dollar ripoff of the American people by the stockholders of the 1000 largest corporations over the last one-hundred years will be a tall order of business. ”

- R. Buckminster Fuller

“ It's a good thing I was born a girl, otherwise I'd be a drag queen. ”

- Dolly Parton

“ We are now investing in each of our businesses to achieve substantial earnings growth in the future and create further value for millions of our shareholders. ”

- Mukesh Ambani

“ Caring about the quality of your work causes stress. Stress can kill you. Maintain good health by remembering that the stockholders are complete strangers who have never done anything for you. ”

- Scott Adams

“ What the banker sighs for, the meanest clown may have — leisure and a quiet mind. ”

- Henry David Thoreau

“ It appears to be a law that you cannot have a deep sympathy with both man and nature. ”

- Henry David Thoreau

“ Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing. ”

- Warren Buffett

“ Such tactics are frequently used in negative political campaigns, and we believe go far beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior in communicating with shareholders of public corporations. ”

- Jay Sidhu

“ Intel has come a long way and investors have to recognize that. ”

- Daniel Boone

“ Is there anyone I wouldn't take as a client? Well, I'd never represent a banker. ”

- Gerry Spence

“ I'm the controlling shareholder, and I'm the one who entrusted the company to my son,... It would appear to show that Inner City Broadcasting is supporting Bloomberg. I own it! ”

- Percy Sutton

“ We have been unwavering in our commitment to building value for our shareholders and this quarter is another important milestone. ”

- Robert Davis

“ I like the idea of taking a true classic written by a true genius and destroying it essentially! I like the idea of bringing it down to earth a bit - and even a bit lower than that. ”

- Randy Newman

“ We believe we have the support of most of our 20 largest shareholders. ”

- Phil Condit

“ My job is to listen to ideas, maybe cook up a few of my own, and make decisions based on what's good for the shareholders and for the company. ”

- Philip Knight

“ Well, I think there are other shows where it's a nightmare every day to come to work. ”

- Brent Spiner

“ With this merger we have a unique opportunity to offer Disney shareholders ownership in a new radio leader that will be well positioned for long-term success. ”

- Robert Iger

“ The investor of today does not profit from yesterday's growth. ”

- Warren Buffett

“ That's what we teach all freshmen — that investors and workers and everyone else in an economy respond in an important way to incentives, including tax incentives. ”

- Gary Becker

“ Far too many executives have become more concerned with the "four P's" — pay, perks, power and prestige — rather than making profits for shareholders. ”

- T. Boone Pickens

“ What's breaking into a bank compared with founding a bank? ”

- Bertolt Brecht

“ Good bankers, like good tea, can only be appreciated when they are in hot water. ”

- Jaffar Hussein

“ The problem with the person who thinks he's a long-term investor and impervious to short-term gyrations is that the emotion of fear and pain will eventually make him sell badly. ”

- Robert Wibbelsman

“ I can't figure the stock market out. I think it's wacky. I have done well with a long-term strategy and will continue being a long-term investor. ”

- Scott McNealy

“ We're able to make all the decisions here locally… We don't feel the pressure from investors or stockholders, wherever they may be, to drive that bottom line on a quarterly basis. ”

- Tony Baker

“ We're getting hurt, but I'm a long-term investor. ”

- Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud

“ There are no permanent changes because change itself is permanent. It behooves the industrialist to research and the investor to be vigilant. ”

- Ralph L. Woods

“ The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator. This means… that he should be able to justify every purchase he makes and each price he pays by impersonal, objective reasoning that satisfies him that he is getting more than his money's worth for his purchase. ”

- Benjamin Graham
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