Quotes of Percy Sutton - somelinesforyou

“ If you pray for only one thing, .let it be for an idea. ”

- Percy Sutton

“ If you pray for only one thing, .let it be for an idea. ”

- Percy Sutton

“ I'm the controlling shareholder, and I'm the one who entrusted the company to my son,... It would appear to show that Inner City Broadcasting is supporting Bloomberg. I own it! ”

- Percy Sutton

“ I'm the controlling shareholder, and I'm the one who entrusted the company to my son,... It would appear to show that Inner City Broadcasting is supporting Bloomberg. I own it! ”

- Percy Sutton

“ If you pray for only one thing, .let it be for an idea. ”

- Percy Sutton

“ I'm the controlling shareholder, and I'm the one who entrusted the company to my son,... It would appear to show that Inner City Broadcasting is supporting Bloomberg. I own it! ”

- Percy Sutton

“ I'm the controlling shareholder, and I'm the one who entrusted the company to my son,... It would appear to show that Inner City Broadcasting is supporting Bloomberg. I own it! ”

- Percy Sutton

“ If you pray for only one thing, .let it be for an idea. ”

- Percy Sutton

“ If you pray for only one thing, .let it be for an idea. ”

- Percy Sutton
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