Quotes of Hustle - somelinesforyou

“ Whenever a man makes haste, God too hastens with him. ”

- Aeschylus

“ All things will be clear and distinct to the man who does not hurry; haste is blind and improvident. ”

- Titus Livius

“ Hasten deliberately. ”

- Augustus Caesar

“ Makki ki Roti, Nimbu ka Aachar, Suraj Ki Kirne, Khushiyo ki Bahar, Chand Ki Chandi, Apno ka Pyar, Mubarak Ho Aapko, HOLI ka Tyohar. ”

- Unknown

“ Hasten slowly and ye shall soon arrive. ”

- Milarepa

“ Hasten slowly and ye shall soon arrive. ”

- Unknown

“ Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it. ”

- Soren Kierkegaard

“ Hasten slowly. ”

- Caesar Augustus

“ Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. ”

- Thomas A. Edison

“ He was the embodiment of big-city scrappiness, a mean-streets survivor who got ahead on a good grin, good moves and better hustle. ”

- Richard Lacayo

“ When I'm out hustling up new industries, I can offer Louisiana's many selling points. We have unmatched natural resources, a unique culture and fantastic workers. ”

- Kathleen Blanco

“ The Indian Summer of life should be a little sunny and a little sad, like the season, and infinite in wealth and depth of tone, but never hustled. ”

- Henry Adams

“ Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle. ”

- Abraham Lincoln

“ Good things happen to those who hustle. ”

- Chuck Noll

“ Contrary to popular opinion, the hustle is not a new dance step — it is an old business procedure. ”

- Fran Lebowitz

“ And the end of the fight is tombstone white with the name of the late deceased, and the epitaph drear, "A Fool lies here who tried to hustle the East.". ”

- Rudyard Kipling

“ You have to struggle a bit, hustle a little, and be willing to go bankrupt. Once you're willing to do that, everything opens up and you get the freedom. My joke is that next year, I'll make the first film that costs zero dollars. ”

- Nick Nolte

“ The blacks have their parties, hustle a little liquor, get some things together, and I used to play for those peoples. They'd come get me on time, but they wouldn't bring me back on time… Done picked cotton all day, play all night long, then pick cotton all day the next day before I could get a chance to sleep. ”

- Muddy Waters

“ On my first record, I rapped about me being on the block every day and hanging out in the 'hood, basically doing a bunch of nothing. And then I sold eight million albums. So I can't still be rapping about hustling for money to eat or I'll sound like a real idiot. ”

- Nelly

“ I was really short. I remember going to the doctor to see if there were injections I could take to be taller. But whenever we ran a lap, I wanted to run the fastest. I don't know why, on the wheel of fortune of personality traits, it stopped on ambition and hustle and drive. ”

- Sean Astin
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