Quotes of Sean Astin - somelinesforyou

“ There was a combination of not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, but also really not wanting to be stuck in Lord of the Rings for the rest of my life, and being desperate to kind of make sure that I could do something else with my life. ”

- Sean Astin

“ I was really short. I remember going to the doctor to see if there were injections I could take to be taller. But whenever we ran a lap, I wanted to run the fastest. I don't know why, on the wheel of fortune of personality traits, it stopped on ambition and hustle and drive. ”

- Sean Astin

“ There was a combination of not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, but also really not wanting to be stuck in Lord of the Rings for the rest of my life, and being desperate to kind of make sure that I could do something else with my life. ”

- Sean Astin

“ I was really short. I remember going to the doctor to see if there were injections I could take to be taller. But whenever we ran a lap, I wanted to run the fastest. I don't know why, on the wheel of fortune of personality traits, it stopped on ambition and hustle and drive. ”

- Sean Astin

“ I was really short. I remember going to the doctor to see if there were injections I could take to be taller. But whenever we ran a lap, I wanted to run the fastest. I don't know why, on the wheel of fortune of personality traits, it stopped on ambition and hustle and drive. ”

- Sean Astin

“ I was really short. I remember going to the doctor to see if there were injections I could take to be taller. But whenever we ran a lap, I wanted to run the fastest. I don't know why, on the wheel of fortune of personality traits, it stopped on ambition and hustle and drive. ”

- Sean Astin

“ There was a combination of not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, but also really not wanting to be stuck in Lord of the Rings for the rest of my life, and being desperate to kind of make sure that I could do something else with my life. ”

- Sean Astin

“ There was a combination of not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, but also really not wanting to be stuck in Lord of the Rings for the rest of my life, and being desperate to kind of make sure that I could do something else with my life. ”

- Sean Astin

“ I was really short. I remember going to the doctor to see if there were injections I could take to be taller. But whenever we ran a lap, I wanted to run the fastest. I don't know why, on the wheel of fortune of personality traits, it stopped on ambition and hustle and drive. ”

- Sean Astin

“ I'm so over-earnest sometimes. But my parents were pop-culture icons in the Sixties, and my mom has this Oscar, and I was trying to figure out, how am I going to leave my mark? ”

- Sean Astin

“ There was a combination of not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, but also really not wanting to be stuck in Lord of the Rings for the rest of my life, and being desperate to kind of make sure that I could do something else with my life. ”

- Sean Astin

“ I was really short. I remember going to the doctor to see if there were injections I could take to be taller. But whenever we ran a lap, I wanted to run the fastest. I don't know why, on the wheel of fortune of personality traits, it stopped on ambition and hustle and drive. ”

- Sean Astin

“ I was really short. I remember going to the doctor to see if there were injections I could take to be taller. But whenever we ran a lap, I wanted to run the fastest. I don't know why, on the wheel of fortune of personality traits, it stopped on ambition and hustle and drive. ”

- Sean Astin

“ I was really short. I remember going to the doctor to see if there were injections I could take to be taller. But whenever we ran a lap, I wanted to run the fastest. I don't know why, on the wheel of fortune of personality traits, it stopped on ambition and hustle and drive. ”

- Sean Astin

“ There was a combination of not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, but also really not wanting to be stuck in Lord of the Rings for the rest of my life, and being desperate to kind of make sure that I could do something else with my life. ”

- Sean Astin
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