Quotes of Housewife - somelinesforyou

“ To be a housewife is … a difficult, a wrenching, sometimes ungrateful job if it's looked on as only a job. Regarded as a profession, it is the noblest as it is the most ancient of the catalog. Let none persuade us differently, or the world will be lost indeed. ”

- Phyllis McGinley

“ I call myself a 'domestic goddess.'. ”

- Rosanne Barr

“ No laborer in the world is expected to work for room, board, and love — except the housewife. ”

- Letty Cottin Pogrebin

“ I would be content being a housewife if I could find the kind of man who wouldn't treat me like one. ”

- Terry McMillan

“ The ideal voice for radio may be defined as showing no substance, no sex, no owner, and a message of importance for every housewife. ”

- Harry V. Wade

“ Being a housewife and a mother is the biggest job in the world, but if it doesn't interest you, don't do it - I would have made a terrible mother. ”

- Katharine Hepburn

“ The economy of a novelist is a little like that of a careful housewife who is unwilling to throw away anything that might perhaps serve its turn. ”

- Graham Greene

“ I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy. ”

- Marilyn Monroe

“ Perhaps all artists were, in a sense, housewives: tenders of the earth household. ”

- Erica Jong

“ By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class. ”

- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

“ As a housewife, I feel that if the kids are still alive when my husband gets home from work, then hey, I've done my job. ”

- Roseanne Barr

“ I hate the word housewife; I don't like the word home-maker either. I want to be called Domestic Goddess. ”

- Roseanne Barr

“ I'm nice until I have a reason not to be. I work hard and people sense that. But I'm different things to different people. To the middle-aged housewife I'm some-one who looks like a little boy lost; to the people who know only One More Night and Against All Odds, I'm probably this sweet and sensitive guy… ”

- Phil Collins

“ My type of humor is almost pure identification. A housewife reads my column and says, 'But that's happened to ME! I know just what she's talking about!'Basically women work alone when they're at home. They think no one is feeling what they are feeling, that no one understands their daily frustrations… ”

- Erma Bombeck

“ I'm so sick of hearing how there's no strong roles for women. I don't care about strong roles. I just want to see women who are characters! A nun, a serial killer, a housewife, as long as there's some depth there. ”

- Martha Plimpton

“ I once used the word OBSOLETE in a headline, only to discover that 43 per cent of housewives had no idea what it meant. In another headline, I used the word INEFFABLE, only to discover that I didn't know what it meant myself. ”

- David Ogilvy

“ The suburban housewife — she was the dream image of the young American women and the envy, it was said, of women all over the world. The American housewife — freed by science and labor-saving appliances from the drudgery, the dangers of childbirth, and the illnesses of her grandmother had found true feminine fulfillment. ”

- Betty Friedan

“ The problem lay buried, unspoken for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States. Each suburban housewife struggled with it alone… ”

- Betty Friedan

“ The label of liberalism is hardly a sentence to public ignominy: otherwise Bruce Springsteen would still be rehabilitating used Cadillacs in Asbury Park and Jane Fonda, for all we know, would be just another overweight housewife. ”

- Barbara Ehrenreich

“ I have often been downcast, but never in despair; I regard our hiding as a dangerous adventure, romantic and interesting at the same time. In my diary I treat all the privations as amusing. I have made up my mind now to lead a different life from other girls and, later on, different from ordinary housewives… ”

- Anne Frank
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