Quotes of Conversing - somelinesforyou

“ There's simply no substitute for interviewing several potential listing agents before you hire one. If you notice that the agent is doing all the talking and none of the listening, move on to the next. ”

- Ray Brown

“ Prayer is talking with God and telling Him you love Him, conversing with God about all the things that are important in life, both large and small, and being assured that He is listening. ”

- Neil C. Strait

“ With thee conversing I forget all time. ”

- John Milton

“ Nothing is as frustrating as arguing with someone who knows what he's talking about. ”

- Sam Ewing

“ You aren't learning anything when you're talking. ”

- Lyndon B. Johnson

“ The man who is always worrying about whether or not his soul would be damned generally has a soul that isn't worth a damn. ”

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

“ The best way to sound like you know what you're talking about is to know what you're talking about. ”

- Unknown

“ So basically, I don't know what I'm talking about. But maybe I do. ”

- Jenny McCarthy

“ He's still not interviewing other people; he's still interviewing himself. ”

- John Corry

“ Acting is still fun. Talking about it is not. ”

- Kris Kristofferson
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