Quotes of John Corry - somelinesforyou

“ The stars are the great Gothic churches: spires, naves, delicate flying buttresses, massive conventional buttresses, stained glass and grandeur, grandeur, grandeur. ”

- John Corry

“ He's still not interviewing other people; he's still interviewing himself. ”

- John Corry

“ His voice is his great weapon. It is not an orator's voice. It is husky, and sometimes it fades to a whisper. Meanwhile, it is extraordinarily intimate. Mr Reagan does not speak to audiences; he speaks to individuals. ”

- John Corry

“ The stars are the great Gothic churches: spires, naves, delicate flying buttresses, massive conventional buttresses, stained glass and grandeur, grandeur, grandeur. ”

- John Corry

“ His voice is his great weapon. It is not an orator's voice. It is husky, and sometimes it fades to a whisper. Meanwhile, it is extraordinarily intimate. Mr Reagan does not speak to audiences; he speaks to individuals. ”

- John Corry

“ His voice is his great weapon. It is not an orator's voice. It is husky, and sometimes it fades to a whisper. Meanwhile, it is extraordinarily intimate. Mr Reagan does not speak to audiences; he speaks to individuals. ”

- John Corry

“ He's still not interviewing other people; he's still interviewing himself. ”

- John Corry

“ One of the glories of New York is its ethnic food, and only McDonald's and Burger King equalize us all. ”

- John Corry

“ His voice is his great weapon. It is not an orator's voice. It is husky, and sometimes it fades to a whisper. Meanwhile, it is extraordinarily intimate. Mr Reagan does not speak to audiences; he speaks to individuals. ”

- John Corry

“ His voice is his great weapon. It is not an orator's voice. It is husky, and sometimes it fades to a whisper. Meanwhile, it is extraordinarily intimate. Mr Reagan does not speak to audiences; he speaks to individuals. ”

- John Corry

“ The stars are the great Gothic churches: spires, naves, delicate flying buttresses, massive conventional buttresses, stained glass and grandeur, grandeur, grandeur. ”

- John Corry

“ The stars are the great Gothic churches: spires, naves, delicate flying buttresses, massive conventional buttresses, stained glass and grandeur, grandeur, grandeur. ”

- John Corry

“ His voice is his great weapon. It is not an orator's voice. It is husky, and sometimes it fades to a whisper. Meanwhile, it is extraordinarily intimate. Mr Reagan does not speak to audiences; he speaks to individuals. ”

- John Corry

“ His voice is his great weapon. It is not an orator's voice. It is husky, and sometimes it fades to a whisper. Meanwhile, it is extraordinarily intimate. Mr Reagan does not speak to audiences; he speaks to individuals. ”

- John Corry
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