Quotes of Uphold - somelinesforyou

“ We want peace in Palestine and will continue extending support to our Palestinian brethren. ”

- Pervez Musharraf

“ The new authorities have expressed willingness for us to continue our support. We are offering this support especially for security. ”

- Robert Mugabe

“ You take my house when you do take the prop That doth sustain my house; you take my life When you do take the means whereby I live. - The Merchant of Venice. Act iv. Sc. 1. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ If someone were to think that trees are made to support the sky, they would all seem too short. ”

- Franz Grillparzer

“ We salute them for their support for the creation of an independent Palestinian state. ”

- Mahmoud Abbas

“ It is safe to say that no other superstition is so detrimental to growth, so enervating and paralyzing to the minds and hearts of the people, as the superstition of Morality. ”

- Emma Goldman

“ While we all support First Amendment Rights, we simply cannot countenance statements and shows that are replete with racism, stereotyping, and profiling. ”

- John Conyers

“ Of course you have to support the troops. They're just kids. They're doing for their country what's expected of them. ”

- Neil Young

“ Prejudices are the props of civilization. ”

- Andre Gide

“ This fight against terrorism is not going to be a short one. I understand it is going to be a drawn out and tough fight,... Japan shall continue to support the United States. ”

- Junichiro Koizumi

“ The stars are the great Gothic churches: spires, naves, delicate flying buttresses, massive conventional buttresses, stained glass and grandeur, grandeur, grandeur. ”

- John Corry

“ While I cannot be regarded as a pillar, I must be regarded as a buttress of the church, because I support it from outside. ”

- Lord Melbourne

“ I have come here to talk about job creation. ”

- Kathleen Blanco

“ I have come here to support one candidacy. ”

- Jacques Chirac

“ I don't necessarily support the war. ”

- James Stewart

“ If you draw a line through Birmingham we lost support above that line and we lost support among voters under 35 so we are now third in that group. ”

- Francis Maude

“ You have shown that one can sustain success. ”

- Amitabh Bachchan

“ I'm overawed by the support as we all are. ”

- Jonny Wilkinson

“ If you want to have great sex, find a partner who really turns you on. Pills are merely props, and props can turn out to be a big drag. ”

- Jackie Collins

“ I don't like it and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. ”

- Erwin Schrodinger

“ You can support the troops but not the president. ”

- Tom Delay

“ We're going after a core group of parents and community people to make sure we get their support. ”

- John Phillips

“ It would be great to be able to pass on to someone all of the successes, the failures, and the knowledge that one has had. To help someone, avoid all the fire, pain and anxiety would be wonderful. ”

- Sylvester Stallone

“ We are going to support Germany's candidacy on condition that a reform plan be put forward that will be supported by a majority of UN members. ”

- Vladimir Putin

“ We haven't had to defend anything to anybody. ”

- Ethan Coen

“ We've got to continue to find ways to honor our 25 million veterans that have served our country with such honor and distinction. ”

- Zack Wamp

“ "Well, now, hold onta yer horses, there, Frazier. I mean, as a psychiatrist, isn't it your job to, uh, `seek and uphold the truth'?" "Oh, get real, Cliff.". ”

- Cheers

“ Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong. ”

- Theodore Roosevelt

“ Do not fear; for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. ”

- The Bible

“ He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. ”

- The Holy Bible
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