Quotes of Watchman Nee - somelinesforyou

“ Because it has been so united with the devil it is vital for man to receive from God a change of mind before he can receive a new heart. ”

- Watchman Nee

“ Teach us to pray that we may cause The enemy to flee, That we his evil power may bind, His prisoners to free. ”

- Watchman Nee

“ Not by gain our life is measured, but by what we've lost 'Tis scored; 'Tis not how much wine is drunken, but how much has been outpoured. For the strength of love never standeth in the sacrifice we bear; he who has the greatest suffering ever has the most to share. ”

- Watchman Nee

“ Not by gain our life is measured, but by what we've lost 'Tis scored; 'Tis not how much wine is drunken, but how much has been outpoured. For the strength of love never standeth in the sacrifice we bear; he who has the greatest suffering ever has the most to share. ”

- Watchman Nee

“ Not by gain our life is measured, but by what we've lost 'Tis scored; 'Tis not how much wine is drunken, but how much has been outpoured. For the strength of love never standeth in the sacrifice we bear; he who has the greatest suffering ever has the most to share. ”

- Watchman Nee

“ Teach us to pray that we may cause The enemy to flee, That we his evil power may bind, His prisoners to free. ”

- Watchman Nee

“ Not by gain our life is measured, but by what we've lost 'Tis scored; 'Tis not how much wine is drunken, but how much has been outpoured. For the strength of love never standeth in the sacrifice we bear; he who has the greatest suffering ever has the most to share. ”

- Watchman Nee

“ Not by gain our life is measured, but by what we've lost 'Tis scored; 'Tis not how much wine is drunken, but how much has been outpoured. For the strength of love never standeth in the sacrifice we bear; he who has the greatest suffering ever has the most to share. ”

- Watchman Nee

“ Not by gain our life is measured, but by what we've lost 'Tis scored; 'Tis not how much wine is drunken, but how much has been outpoured. For the strength of love never standeth in the sacrifice we bear; he who has the greatest suffering ever has the most to share. ”

- Watchman Nee

“ Not by gain our life is measured, but by what we've lost 'Tis scored; 'Tis not how much wine is drunken, but how much has been outpoured. For the strength of love never standeth in the sacrifice we bear; he who has the greatest suffering ever has the most to share. ”

- Watchman Nee
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