Quotes of Ti - somelinesforyou

“ 'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. ”

- Abraham Lincoln

“ 'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds. ”

- Malaclypse the Younger

“ Anger as soon as fed is dead- 'Tis starving makes it fat. ”

- Emily Dickinson

“ 'Tis the most tender part of love, each other to forgive. ”

- John Sheffield

“ 'Tis hard if all is false that I advanceA fool must now and then be right, by chance. ”

- William Cowper

“ Why, then 'tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so: to me it is a prison. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ 'Tisn't life that matters! 'Tis the courage you bring to it. ”

- Sir Hugh Walpole

“ Tis education forms the common mind;Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined. ”

- Alexander Pope

“ Who made the world I cannot tell; 'Tis made, and here am I in hell. My hand, though now my knuckles bleed, I never soiled with such a deed. ”

- A. E. Housman

“ For 'tis the sport to have the engineer Hoist with his own petard… ”

- William Shakespeare

“ 'Tis neither here nor there. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ No, 'tis slander, Whose edge is sharper than the sword, whose tongue Outvenoms all the worms of Nile, whose breath Rides on the posting winds, and doth belie All corners of the world. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. ”

- Alfred Lord Tennyson

“ Tis foolish to fear what you cannot avoid. ”

- Publilius Syrus

“ Tis sometimes the height of wisdom to feign stupidity. ”

- Cato the Elder

“ Tis the advisor who suffers from bad advice. ”

- Anonymous

“ Before you act consider; when you have considered, tis fully time to act. ”

- Sallust

“ Tis hard to fight with anger, but the prudent man keeps it under control. ”

- Democritus

“ Ignorance of the law excuses no man: Not that all men know the law, but because 'tis an excuse every man will plead, and no man can tell how to refute him. ”

- John Selden

“ Tis the good reader that makes the good book. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Tis the witching hour of night, Or bed is the moon and bright, And the stars they glisten, glisten, Seeming with bright eyes to listen For what listen they? ”

- John Keats

“ 'Tis better to hear a truth which brings a tear, than a lie which brings a smile. ”

- J. D. Higgins

“ The rose is fairest when 'tis budding new, And hope is brightest when it dawns from fears. The rose is sweetest with morning dew, And love is loveliest when embalmed in tears. ”

- Sir Walter Scott

“ For 'tis a truth well known to most, That whatsoever thing is lost, We seek it, ere it comes to light, In every cranny but the right. ”

- William Cowper

“ Tis a good thing to laugh at any rate, and if a straw can tickle a man, it is an instrument of happiness. ”

- Chamfort

“ That is ever the way. 'Tis all jealousy to the bride and good wishes to the corpse. ”

- James M. Barrie

“ 'Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open one's mouth and remove all doubt. ”

- Samuel Johnson

“ Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. ”

- George Washington

“ Christmas! 'Tis the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial fire of charity in the heart. ”

- Washington Irving

“ Tis better to be fortunate than wise. ”

- John Webster
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