Quotes of Susannah Centlivre - somelinesforyou

“ 'Tis my opinion every man cheats in his way, and he is only honest who of discovered. ”

- Susannah Centlivre

“ 'Tis my opinion every man cheats in his way, and he is only honest who of discovered. ”

- Susannah Centlivre

“ Friendship's a noble name, 'tis love refined. ”

- Susannah Centlivre

“ Friendship's a noble name, 'tis love refined. ”

- Susannah Centlivre

“ Friendship's a noble name, 'tis love refined. ”

- Susannah Centlivre

“ Friendship's a noble name, 'tis love refined. ”

- Susannah Centlivre

“ Friendship's a noble name, 'tis love refined. ”

- Susannah Centlivre

“ Friendship's a noble name, 'tis love refined. ”

- Susannah Centlivre

“ Friendship's a noble name, 'tis love refined. ”

- Susannah Centlivre

“ Friendship's a noble name, 'tis love refined. ”

- Susannah Centlivre

“ 'Tis my opinion every man cheats in his way, and he is only honest who of discovered. ”

- Susannah Centlivre
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