Quotes of Summer Sanders - somelinesforyou

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ When I was younger, I would eat everything. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ At 4, I joined a summer rec team called the Sugar Bears. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Indoor pools just don't seem as inviting to me. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Indoor pools just don't seem as inviting to me. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ When I was younger, I would eat everything. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ When I was younger, I would eat everything. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Indoor pools just don't seem as inviting to me. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ When I was younger, I would eat everything. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ At 4, I joined a summer rec team called the Sugar Bears. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ At 4, I joined a summer rec team called the Sugar Bears. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Indoor pools just don't seem as inviting to me. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it. ”

- Summer Sanders

“ Indoor pools just don't seem as inviting to me. ”

- Summer Sanders
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