Quotes of Preparation - somelinesforyou

“ The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well. ”

- William Osler

“ The tendency of an event to occur varies inversely with one's preparation for it. ”

- David Searles

“ Thorough preparation makes its own luck. ”

- Joe Poyer

“ Trust in your preparation. ”

- Davie Sheppard

“ The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today. ”

- Elbert Hubbard

“ The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. ”

- H. Jackson Browne Jr.

“ One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice-president, and that one word is 'to be prepared'. ”

- Dan Quayle

“ Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation, there is sure to be failure. ”

- Confucius

“ Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not a preparation for life but is life itself. ”

- John Dewey

“ There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. ”

- Colin Powell

“ Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. ”

- Alexander Graham Bell

“ Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself. ”

- John Dewey

“ Life is a long preparation for something that never happens. ”

- William Butler Yeats

“ Spectacular achievement is always preceded by spectacular preparation. ”

- Robert Schuller

“ The best preparation for the future is the present well seen to, and the last duty done. ”

- George MacDonald

“ Today's preparation determines tomorrow's achievement. ”

- Unknown

“ Preparation for war is a constant stimulus to suspicion and ill will. ”

- James Monroe

“ If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now. ”

- Woodrow Wilson

“ Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. ”

- Malcolm X

“ True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced. A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed. ”

- Tom Robbins

“ Even if what you're working on doesn't go anywhere, it will help you with the next thing you're doing. Make yourself available for something to happen. ”

- Cormac McCarthy

“ If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. ”

- Sun tzu

“ The best thing about a vacation is planning it. ”

- Andrew A. Rooney

“ It will be a shame if either side lose, and that applies to both sides. ”

- Jock Brown

“ It's not a lack of preparation. ”

- Brian Greene

“ We always plan too much and always think too little. ”

- Joseph A. Schumpeter

“ To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated. ”

- James Carse

“ You can't push anyone up the ladder unless he is ready to climb himself. ”

- Andrew Carnegie

“ You don't run twenty-six miles at five minutes a mile on good looks and a secret recipe. ”

- Frank Shorter

“ Every race I run in is in preparation for the Indianapolis 500. Indy is the most important thing in my life. It is what I live for. ”

- Al Unser
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