Quotes of Steve Largent - somelinesforyou

“ Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to every individual who was affected by these powerful storms,... Despite facing serious obstacles, the wireless industry's response to these natural disasters was nothing short of Herculean. We remain fully committed to aiding and assisting our subscribers in the affected regions in whatever way we can. ”

- Steve Largent

“ While voice is still our main driver,... we are seeing strong evidence that consumers are using their wireless devices for so much more than just a phone. ”

- Steve Largent

“ While voice is still our main driver,... we are seeing strong evidence that consumers are using their wireless devices for so much more than just a phone. ”

- Steve Largent

“ This is not a victimless crime. This is a cancer eating away at the soul of this country. ”

- Steve Largent

“ This is not a victimless crime. This is a cancer eating away at the soul of this country. ”

- Steve Largent

“ The DTV legislation is truly a win-win initiative. Not only will it free up needed spectrum for our nation's first responders, but it will also allow our innovative industry to roll out advanced wireless data services to all Americans. This is a significant public policy victory, as there is little doubt it will make our nation more secure and technologically advanced… ”

- Steve Largent

“ They have pledged that no subscriber's service in the region will be disconnected during this catastrophe for not paying their bills. ”

- Steve Largent

“ I would say the most significant difference between modern-era receivers and previous receivers is the ones who were in my generation or earlier had to get a job after they got through playing. Today's player doesn't. ”

- Steve Largent

“ I would say the most significant difference between modern-era receivers and previous receivers is the ones who were in my generation or earlier had to get a job after they got through playing. Today's player doesn't. ”

- Steve Largent

“ Does this look like a mature industry to you,... Here we are, in our twenty-third year of service, enjoying our best year yet. ”

- Steve Largent

“ I would say the most significant difference between modern-era receivers and previous receivers is the ones who were in my generation or earlier had to get a job after they got through playing. Today's player doesn't. ”

- Steve Largent

“ Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to every individual who was affected by these powerful storms,... Despite facing serious obstacles, the wireless industry's response to these natural disasters was nothing short of Herculean. We remain fully committed to aiding and assisting our subscribers in the affected regions in whatever way we can. ”

- Steve Largent
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