Quotes of Maria Cantwell - somelinesforyou

“ These are the terrible consequences of our overdependence on fossil fuel,... The natural disasters of Katrina and Rita have showed us firsthand how truly vulnerable we are. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ My constituents are frustrated. Consumers want to know what we're going to do about this. Consumers definitely want to know what's going on. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I don't know what the level should be,... But I know consumers should not be paying $5 a gallon for gas. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ America wants a better energy plan than putting a sweetheart deal (for oil companies) in the budget. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I don't know what the level should be,... But I know consumers should not be paying $5 a gallon for gas. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ The Department of Energy says that drilling in ANWR will do little in the near term and very little in the long term, reducing gas prices by only one penny. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I'll tell you where my constituents are. They want to know why we spend billions of dollars on Star Wars defense, and yet we don't have the security to guarantee that there's not going to be a nuclear device in a cargo container that comes to the Port of Seattle. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ My constituents are frustrated. Consumers want to know what we're going to do about this. Consumers definitely want to know what's going on. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I don't know what the level should be,... But I know consumers should not be paying $5 a gallon for gas. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ My constituents are frustrated. Consumers want to know what we're going to do about this. Consumers definitely want to know what's going on. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I don't know what the level should be,... But I know consumers should not be paying $5 a gallon for gas. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I don't know what the level should be,... But I know consumers should not be paying $5 a gallon for gas. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ My constituents are frustrated. Consumers want to know what we're going to do about this. Consumers definitely want to know what's going on. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ Using backdoor tactics to destroy America's last great wild frontier will not solve our nation's energy problems and will do nothing to lower skyrocketing gas prices. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I think this is a critical part why you need federal legislation to make sure that supply isn't being manipulated and that there is transparency in the market. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ Using backdoor tactics to destroy America's last great wild frontier will not solve our nation's energy problems and will do nothing to lower skyrocketing gas prices. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I don't know what the level should be,... But I know consumers should not be paying $5 a gallon for gas. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ The Department of Energy says that drilling in ANWR will do little in the near term and very little in the long term, reducing gas prices by only one penny. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I believe that we must work to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies through education and family planning. But I also believe that our Constitution protects a woman's right to privacy, and that this constitutional right encompasses the decision of whether to terminate a pregnancy. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I believe that we must work to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies through education and family planning. But I also believe that our Constitution protects a woman's right to privacy, and that this constitutional right encompasses the decision of whether to terminate a pregnancy. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ The Department of Energy says that drilling in ANWR will do little in the near term and very little in the long term, reducing gas prices by only one penny. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ Unfortunately, women meeting their husbands through brokers frequently have little opportunity to get to know their prospective spouses or assess their potential for violence. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ Physicians must be free to make clinical determinations, in accordance with medical standards of care, that best safeguard a woman's life and health. Women and their families, along with their doctors, are simply better than politicians at making decisions about their medical care. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I want to give the president all the tools possible,......Giving the president power to declare an energy emergency sends a very sharp message to people that we are going to be coming after them. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ I don't know what the level should be,... But I know consumers should not be paying $5 a gallon for gas. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ Physicians must be free to make clinical determinations, in accordance with medical standards of care, that best safeguard a woman's life and health. Women and their families, along with their doctors, are simply better than politicians at making decisions about their medical care. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ The Bush rate hike would have a devastating impact on our economy and jobs. I will not rest until the administration's plan is dead and gone. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ The Bush rate hike would have a devastating impact on our economy and jobs. I will not rest until the administration's plan is dead and gone. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ The Bush rate hike would have a devastating impact on our economy and jobs. I will not rest until the administration's plan is dead and gone. ”

- Maria Cantwell

“ My constituents are frustrated. Consumers want to know what we're going to do about this. Consumers definitely want to know what's going on. ”

- Maria Cantwell
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