Quotes of Jonathan Taylor Thomas - somelinesforyou

“ I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ It's sometimes distractingto see a group of girls staring and giggling. You are a part of their life, and there is a lot that is owed them. But it's difficult because you want to make eveyone happy. If you try to do that, you're setting yourself up for failure. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ It's sometimes distractingto see a group of girls staring and giggling. You are a part of their life, and there is a lot that is owed them. But it's difficult because you want to make eveyone happy. If you try to do that, you're setting yourself up for failure. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ It's sometimes distractingto see a group of girls staring and giggling. You are a part of their life, and there is a lot that is owed them. But it's difficult because you want to make eveyone happy. If you try to do that, you're setting yourself up for failure. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ It's sometimes distractingto see a group of girls staring and giggling. You are a part of their life, and there is a lot that is owed them. But it's difficult because you want to make eveyone happy. If you try to do that, you're setting yourself up for failure. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas
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