Quotes of Headach - somelinesforyou

“ I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ I've helped people get rid of headaches by placing my hand on their forehead, and backaches by placing my hand on their back. It's a powerful example of love that really works. ”

- Shelley Long

“ I shall take all the troubles of the past, all the disappointments, all the headaches, and I shall pack them in a bag and throw them in the East River. ”

- Trygve Lie

“ Acting can work a peculiar magic on the actor… it can cure you of a whole variety of ailments. Migraine headaches, miserable colds or toothaches will suddenly disappear as you're up there going through your paces. ”

- Barbara G. Harris

“ To be young is all there is in the world. They talk so beautifully about work and having a family and a home — but it's all worry and headaches and respectable poverty and forced gushing. Telling people how nice it is, when, in reality, you would give all of your last thirty years for one of your first thirty… ”

- Wallace Stevens
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