Quotes of Migraine - somelinesforyou

“ I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches. ”

- Jonathan Taylor Thomas

“ Patients with migraines know precisely when and how often and how long their headaches strike. They often come in with long lists. When you have a patient with lists, you have a patient with migraine. ”

- Seymour Diamond

“ Acting can work a peculiar magic on the actor… it can cure you of a whole variety of ailments. Migraine headaches, miserable colds or toothaches will suddenly disappear as you're up there going through your paces. ”

- Barbara G. Harris

“ Mental tensions, frustrations, insecurity, aimlessness are among the most damaging stressors, and psychosomatic studies have shown how often they cause migraine headache, peptic ulcers, heart attacks, hypertension, mental disease, suicide, or just hopeless unhappiness. ”

- Hans Selye
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