Quotes of John Belushi - somelinesforyou

“ If we burn ourselves out with drugs or alcohol, we won't have long to go in this business. ”

- John Belushi

“ Christ, seven years of college, down the drain. ”

- John Belushi

“ I owe it all to little chocolate donuts. ”

- John Belushi

“ I owe it all to little chocolate donuts. ”

- John Belushi

“ I owe it all to little chocolate donuts. ”

- John Belushi

“ Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, no! ”

- John Belushi

“ If we burn ourselves out with drugs or alcohol, we won't have long to go in this business. ”

- John Belushi

“ Christ, seven years of college, down the drain. ”

- John Belushi

“ Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, no! ”

- John Belushi

“ I owe it all to little chocolate donuts. ”

- John Belushi

“ Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, no! ”

- John Belushi

“ Christ, seven years of college, down the drain. ”

- John Belushi

“ Christ, seven years of college, down the drain. ”

- John Belushi

“ I owe it all to little chocolate donuts. ”

- John Belushi

“ Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, no! ”

- John Belushi

“ I owe it all to little chocolate donuts. ”

- John Belushi

“ Christ, seven years of college, down the drain. ”

- John Belushi

“ Christ, seven years of college, down the drain. ”

- John Belushi
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