Quotes of Heinrich Böll - somelinesforyou

“ بی خداها حوصله ام را سر می برند، چون فقط درباره خدا حرف می زنند! ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ I don't trust Catholics," I said, "because they take advantage of you." "And Protestants?" he asked with a laugh. "I loathe the way they fumble around with their consciences." "And atheists?" He was still laughing. "They bore me because all they ever talk about is God. ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ Something must happen! ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ An artist is like a woman who can do nothing but love, and who succumbs to every stray male jackass. ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ Something must happen! ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ Something must happen! ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ Something must happen! ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ Something must happen! ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ Something must happen! ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ Something must happen! ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ An artist is like a woman who can do nothing but love, and who succumbs to every stray male jackass. ”

- Heinrich Boll
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