Quotes of Take Place - somelinesforyou

“ Something must happen! ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ Everything may happen. ”

- Seneca

“ You have to make it happen. ”

- Joe Greene

“ If you don't make things happen then things will happen to you. ”

- Lanes Company

“ I always try to make whatever character I'm playing a completely whole human being, with integrity, morality-or the lack of. I try to give the audience an opportunity of looking at the screen and recognising something. ”

- Ben Kingsley

“ Something must happen! ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ Everything may happen. ”

- Seneca

“ You have to make it happen. ”

- Joe Greene

“ If you don't make things happen then things will happen to you. ”

- Lanes Company

“ I always try to make whatever character I'm playing a completely whole human being, with integrity, morality-or the lack of. I try to give the audience an opportunity of looking at the screen and recognising something. ”

- Ben Kingsley

“ Something must happen! ”

- Heinrich Boll

“ Everything may happen. ”

- Seneca

“ You have to make it happen. ”

- Joe Greene

“ If you don't make things happen then things will happen to you. ”

- Lanes Company

“ I always try to make whatever character I'm playing a completely whole human being, with integrity, morality-or the lack of. I try to give the audience an opportunity of looking at the screen and recognising something. ”

- Ben Kingsley
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