Quotes of Virile - somelinesforyou

“ Macho doesn't prove mucho. ”

- Zsa Zsa Gabor

“ Throughout history females have picked providers. males have picked anything. ”

- Margaret Mead

“ Power is neither male nor female. ”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“ Debate is masculine, conversation is feminine. ”

- Amos Bronson Alcott

“ We 'll have a swashing and a martial outside, As many other mannish cowards have. - As You Like It. Act i. Sc. 3. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ I had both male and female heroes. ”

- Sally Ride

“ Dirt makes a man look masculine. Let your hair blow in the wind, and all that. It's OK. All you have to do is look neat when you have to look neat. ”

- Hedy Lamarr

“ Male figure skating is different than female figure skating; we're not America's sweetheart. ”

- Scott Hamilton

“ Words are feminine; deeds are masculine. ”

- Baltasar Gracian

“ The feminine vanity case is the grave of masculine illusions. ”

- Helen Rowland

“ Feminine passion is to masculine as an epic is to an epigram. ”

- Karl Kraus

“ Even if you are divine, you don't disdain male consorts. ”

- Michelangelo

“ At five seasons, I think, potentially, you are the best male vocalist we've ever had. ”

- Simon Cowell

“ America's next male tennis generation. ”

- Andre Agassi

“ Infidelity in woman is a masculine trait. ”

- Wendell Phillips

“ About 10,000 years ago, males and females were acting equitably and were treating one another as equals, and then males took over the power, because they have physical power and physical strength. ”

- Jane Elliot

“ Anytime I am around a male body part it is kind of exiting. ”

- Nicole Richie

“ I AM a male chauvinist. Who's been saying otherwise? ”

- Joe Bob Briggs

“ One of the things I really like about Ford's films is how there is always a focus on the way characters live, and not just the male heroes. ”

- Ken Burns

“ In this book masculine pronouns embrace not only the feminine but also the robotic. ”

- John McCarthy

“ If I want to go to a party with a few male friends, it doesn't mean I'm gay. ”

- Leonardo DiCaprio

“ Male supremacy has kept woman down. It has not knocked her out. ”

- Clare Boothe Luce

“ Purity is the feminine, truth the masculine of honor. ”

- David Hare

“ The cool kindliness of sheets, that soon smooth away trouble; and the rough male kiss of blankets. ”

- Rupert Brooke

“ Fighting is essentially a masculine idea; a woman's weapon is her tongue. ”

- Hermione Gingold

“ Some men are so macho they'll get you pregnant just to kill a rabbit. ”

- Maureen Murphy

“ The most mediocre of males feels himself a demigod as compared with women. ”

- Simone De Beauvoir

“ Once, power was considered a masculine attribute. In fact, power has no sex. ”

- Katherine Graham

“ Women's liberation is the liberation of the feminine in the man and the masculine in the woman. ”

- Corita Kent

“ There's only one free person in this society, and he is white and male. ”

- Hazel Scott
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