Quotes of French Saying - somelinesforyou

“ Two souls, one heart. ”

- French Saying

“ Nothing equals the joy of the drinker, except the joy of the wine in being drunk. ”

- French Saying

“ Nothing equals the joy of the drinker, except the joy of the wine in being drunk. ”

- French Saying

“ Nothing equals the joy of the drinker, except the joy of the wine in being drunk. ”

- French Saying

“ Nothing equals the joy of the drinker, except the joy of the wine in being drunk. ”

- French Saying

“ If the young only knew; if the old only could. ”

- French Saying

“ If the young only knew; if the old only could. ”

- French Saying

“ Nothing equals the joy of the drinker, except the joy of the wine in being drunk. ”

- French Saying

“ Nothing equals the joy of the drinker, except the joy of the wine in being drunk. ”

- French Saying

“ Nothing equals the joy of the drinker, except the joy of the wine in being drunk. ”

- French Saying
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