Quotes of Ferguson - somelinesforyou

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ If the King's English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me. ”

- Ferguson

“ Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ All of the charities we're involved with have touched me in one way or another on a personal level. There are about eight or nine charities that I support. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ If the King's English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me. ”

- Ferguson

“ If the King's English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me. ”

- Ferguson

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ All of the charities we're involved with have touched me in one way or another on a personal level. There are about eight or nine charities that I support. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ If the King's English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me. ”

- Ferguson

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ If the King's English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me. ”

- Ferguson

“ All of the charities we're involved with have touched me in one way or another on a personal level. There are about eight or nine charities that I support. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started. ”

- Ferguson Jenkins

“ If the King's English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me. ”

- Ferguson

“ If the King's English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me. ”

- Ferguson
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