Quotes of Colin Baker - somelinesforyou

“ The audition went quite well until I fell off the stage at the end. I cut my leg open and was rushed off to hospital in an ambulance. I didn't get the part and I have never stepped onto the Leatherhead stage since. Needless to say I will be extremely careful this time. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I was well aware of the fact that once you appeared in Doctor Who as something else, you were ruled out for the part of the Doctor: that was a kind of well known thing in the business. ”

- Colin Baker

“ It was lovely to do The Knock because I haven't done anything really significant since Doctor Who. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I'd enjoyed playing the part enormously; it's not often in an actor's career that he gets a plum part like Doctor Who, and to say that I foresaw myself going on a little longer is a bit of an understatement. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I loathe cheese, it makes me ill. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I was well aware of the fact that once you appeared in Doctor Who as something else, you were ruled out for the part of the Doctor: that was a kind of well known thing in the business. ”

- Colin Baker

“ One way of watering down the effects of violence is to approach it in a more lighthearted way. I don't mean to say that you laugh when somebody has their arm sawn off, but you can diffuse fear with humour. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I loathe cheese, it makes me ill. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I would still like to go up in the space shuttle. It's appalling that the accident happened, but it was an accident and obviously if I knew there was any risk, I'd be foolish to do it. I'd love to stand outside the Earth and look at it. Extraordinary feeling that, something that we've been tied to for millions of years, and a handful of people have looked at it, to be able to do that would be stunning. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I could, I think, quite easily have gone to Oxford. I got four good A levels, but my father's income was such that I wouldn't have got a grant, and he wouldn't let me go to university, and that was the end of it. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I loathe cheese, it makes me ill. ”

- Colin Baker

“ One way of watering down the effects of violence is to approach it in a more lighthearted way. I don't mean to say that you laugh when somebody has their arm sawn off, but you can diffuse fear with humour. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I'd enjoyed playing the part enormously; it's not often in an actor's career that he gets a plum part like Doctor Who, and to say that I foresaw myself going on a little longer is a bit of an understatement. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I'd enjoyed playing the part enormously; it's not often in an actor's career that he gets a plum part like Doctor Who, and to say that I foresaw myself going on a little longer is a bit of an understatement. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I never have reservations about doing anything as long as I'm being paid. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I would still like to go up in the space shuttle. It's appalling that the accident happened, but it was an accident and obviously if I knew there was any risk, I'd be foolish to do it. I'd love to stand outside the Earth and look at it. Extraordinary feeling that, something that we've been tied to for millions of years, and a handful of people have looked at it, to be able to do that would be stunning. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I could, I think, quite easily have gone to Oxford. I got four good A levels, but my father's income was such that I wouldn't have got a grant, and he wouldn't let me go to university, and that was the end of it. ”

- Colin Baker

“ It really does matter who's inside a cybersui,t and if you get an actor who's prepared to walk through a part like that, then there's no menace. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I would still like to go up in the space shuttle. It's appalling that the accident happened, but it was an accident and obviously if I knew there was any risk, I'd be foolish to do it. I'd love to stand outside the Earth and look at it. Extraordinary feeling that, something that we've been tied to for millions of years, and a handful of people have looked at it, to be able to do that would be stunning. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I could, I think, quite easily have gone to Oxford. I got four good A levels, but my father's income was such that I wouldn't have got a grant, and he wouldn't let me go to university, and that was the end of it. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I never have reservations about doing anything as long as I'm being paid. ”

- Colin Baker

“ It really does matter who's inside a cybersui,t and if you get an actor who's prepared to walk through a part like that, then there's no menace. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I would still like to go up in the space shuttle. It's appalling that the accident happened, but it was an accident and obviously if I knew there was any risk, I'd be foolish to do it. I'd love to stand outside the Earth and look at it. Extraordinary feeling that, something that we've been tied to for millions of years, and a handful of people have looked at it, to be able to do that would be stunning. ”

- Colin Baker

“ It really does matter who's inside a cybersui,t and if you get an actor who's prepared to walk through a part like that, then there's no menace. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I'd enjoyed playing the part enormously; it's not often in an actor's career that he gets a plum part like Doctor Who, and to say that I foresaw myself going on a little longer is a bit of an understatement. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I never have reservations about doing anything as long as I'm being paid. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I would still like to go up in the space shuttle. It's appalling that the accident happened, but it was an accident and obviously if I knew there was any risk, I'd be foolish to do it. I'd love to stand outside the Earth and look at it. Extraordinary feeling that, something that we've been tied to for millions of years, and a handful of people have looked at it, to be able to do that would be stunning. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I would still like to go up in the space shuttle. It's appalling that the accident happened, but it was an accident and obviously if I knew there was any risk, I'd be foolish to do it. I'd love to stand outside the Earth and look at it. Extraordinary feeling that, something that we've been tied to for millions of years, and a handful of people have looked at it, to be able to do that would be stunning. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I could, I think, quite easily have gone to Oxford. I got four good A levels, but my father's income was such that I wouldn't have got a grant, and he wouldn't let me go to university, and that was the end of it. ”

- Colin Baker

“ I'd enjoyed playing the part enormously; it's not often in an actor's career that he gets a plum part like Doctor Who, and to say that I foresaw myself going on a little longer is a bit of an understatement. ”

- Colin Baker
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