Quotes of Christopher Eccleston - somelinesforyou

“ I love Dead Ringers. A democratic set, the work was taken seriously. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I don't like to watch playback. But being on the set, watching the way the camera is being moved and the way the light is being used, you do get an idea of it. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I don't like to watch playback. But being on the set, watching the way the camera is being moved and the way the light is being used, you do get an idea of it. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ What goes down on film is different to what you see with the naked eye. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I love Dead Ringers. A democratic set, the work was taken seriously. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ It must be heartbreaking for a filmmaker to actually start something like that. And then to have some terrible, terrible weather problems. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ My parents always knew I was hopeless at everything else, I was fortunate in that I was backed all the way. I came to it late and only because I thought there'd be loads of women and drinking! ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I love Dead Ringers. A democratic set, the work was taken seriously. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I wasn't always such a great fan of Shakespeare, mind you. I can guess we all at one time had it rammed down our necks at school, which tends to take the edge off it. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I wasn't always such a great fan of Shakespeare, mind you. I can guess we all at one time had it rammed down our necks at school, which tends to take the edge off it. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I had to help to coax the performances and I really enjoyed that extra responsibility. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ Thank you to everybody who voted for me, and to the British public for their encouragement over the last 17 years. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I only ever worked on interiors, and an interior is an interior. I don't know what they did about exteriors. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ What goes down on film is different to what you see with the naked eye. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I love my accent, I thought it was useful in Gone In 60 Seconds because the standard villain is upper class or Cockney. My Northern accent would be an odd clash opposite Nic Cage. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I only ever worked on interiors, and an interior is an interior. I don't know what they did about exteriors. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I had to help to coax the performances and I really enjoyed that extra responsibility. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ Jacobean plays, before Shakespeare, were particularly visceral. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ The film is about Joe discovering who his mother and father are and his relationship with them, and the identity crisis he goes through once he finds out who his parents are. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ We like to think that our parents made a decision to bring us into the world. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I don't see a lot of films. I'm quite choosy, but there's certain films that stick out. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I don't like to watch playback. But being on the set, watching the way the camera is being moved and the way the light is being used, you do get an idea of it. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I don't see a lot of films. I'm quite choosy, but there's certain films that stick out. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I only ever worked on interiors, and an interior is an interior. I don't know what they did about exteriors. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I wasn't always such a great fan of Shakespeare, mind you. I can guess we all at one time had it rammed down our necks at school, which tends to take the edge off it. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I know exactly where I've come from, I know exactly who my mum and dad are. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I wasn't always such a great fan of Shakespeare, mind you. I can guess we all at one time had it rammed down our necks at school, which tends to take the edge off it. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ We all need a firm sense of identity. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I heard the various terms of abuse at school and probably indulged them in the way you do as a kid. ”

- Christopher Eccleston

“ I went being unemployed for three years to being the lead in a British feature in the days when we only made two a year, 1990. It was ridiculous really. ”

- Christopher Eccleston
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