Quotes of Bruce Schneier - somelinesforyou

“ We could ground all airplanes and not have any more airplane crashes,... The key is whether the good uses of the Net outweigh the bad. Life is like that. You just have to take the good with the bad. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ We could ground all airplanes and not have any more airplane crashes,... The key is whether the good uses of the Net outweigh the bad. Life is like that. You just have to take the good with the bad. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ We could ground all airplanes and not have any more airplane crashes,... The key is whether the good uses of the Net outweigh the bad. Life is like that. You just have to take the good with the bad. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ We could ground all airplanes and not have any more airplane crashes,... The key is whether the good uses of the Net outweigh the bad. Life is like that. You just have to take the good with the bad. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ Using current mathematics and technology, it is impossible to even consider factoring a 1024-bit number. I'm not willing to make any hard predictions about tomorrow. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ The user's going to pick dancing pigs over security every time. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ It is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ It's a huge betrayal of the public trust, and they know it. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ We could ground all airplanes and not have any more airplane crashes,... The key is whether the good uses of the Net outweigh the bad. Life is like that. You just have to take the good with the bad. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ It's a huge betrayal of the public trust, and they know it. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ We could ground all airplanes and not have any more airplane crashes,... The key is whether the good uses of the Net outweigh the bad. Life is like that. You just have to take the good with the bad. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ The administration is deliberately choosing a less secure technology without justification. If there were a good reason to choose that technology, then it might make sense. But there isn't. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ It is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ It is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ Everyone else is just as bad. I think if you gave that same grading to corporate America, you'd see all the Fs also. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ Everyone else is just as bad. I think if you gave that same grading to corporate America, you'd see all the Fs also. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ The administration is deliberately choosing a less secure technology without justification. If there were a good reason to choose that technology, then it might make sense. But there isn't. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ The user's going to pick dancing pigs over security every time. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ It's a huge betrayal of the public trust, and they know it. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ The administration is deliberately choosing a less secure technology without justification. If there were a good reason to choose that technology, then it might make sense. But there isn't. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ No one can duplicate the confidence that RSA offers after 20 years of cryptanalytic review. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ There's no reason to treat software any differently from other products. Today Firestone can produce a tire with a single systemic flaw and they're liable, but Microsoft can produce an operating system with multiple systemic flaws discovered per week and not be liable… ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ There's no reason to treat software any differently from other products. Today Firestone can produce a tire with a single systemic flaw and they're liable, but Microsoft can produce an operating system with multiple systemic flaws discovered per week and not be liable… ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ The fundamental driver in computer security, in all of the computer industry, is economics. That requires a lot of re-education for us security geeks. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ The user's going to pick dancing pigs over security every time. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ The fundamental driver in computer security, in all of the computer industry, is economics. That requires a lot of re-education for us security geeks. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ Using current mathematics and technology, it is impossible to even consider factoring a 1024-bit number. I'm not willing to make any hard predictions about tomorrow. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ It is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ We could ground all airplanes and not have any more airplane crashes,... The key is whether the good uses of the Net outweigh the bad. Life is like that. You just have to take the good with the bad. ”

- Bruce Schneier

“ The user's going to pick dancing pigs over security every time. ”

- Bruce Schneier
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