Quotes of Blake Edwards - somelinesforyou

“ Don't just stand there, idiot. Call a doctor, and then help me find a nose. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ If you still want to kill him, do me a favor and take him outside. Those are new sheets. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ Don't just stand there, idiot. Call a doctor, and then help me find a nose. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ Don't just stand there, idiot. Call a doctor, and then help me find a nose. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ If you still want to kill him, do me a favor and take him outside. Those are new sheets. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ If you still want to kill him, do me a favor and take him outside. Those are new sheets. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ Being thrown out of this place is significantly better than being thrown out of a leper colony. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ Don't just stand there, idiot. Call a doctor, and then help me find a nose. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ Being thrown out of this place is significantly better than being thrown out of a leper colony. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ If you still want to kill him, do me a favor and take him outside. Those are new sheets. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ Shame is an unhappy emotion invented by pietists in order to exploit the human race. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ If you still want to kill him, do me a favor and take him outside. Those are new sheets. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ If you still want to kill him, do me a favor and take him outside. Those are new sheets. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ Shame is an unhappy emotion invented by pietists in order to exploit the human race. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ Being thrown out of this place is significantly better than being thrown out of a leper colony. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ Being thrown out of this place is significantly better than being thrown out of a leper colony. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ There's so few people in this town with a conscience. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ Being thrown out of this place is significantly better than being thrown out of a leper colony. ”

- Blake Edwards

“ There's so few people in this town with a conscience. ”

- Blake Edwards
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