Quotes of Beyonce Knowles - somelinesforyou

“ Power means happiness; power means hard work and sacrifice. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ I love my husband, but it is nothing like a conversation with a woman that understands you. I grow so much from those conversations. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ I love my husband, but it is nothing like a conversation with a woman that understands you. I grow so much from those conversations. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ I'm always happy when I'm surrounded by water, I think I'm a Mermaid or I was a mermaid. The ocean makes me feel really small and it makes me put my whole life into perspective… it humbles you and makes you feel almost like you’ve been baptized. I feel born again when I get out of the ocean. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We started when we were 9 years old, and here we are getting a Hollywood star. Dreams come true. So thank you all so much for supporting us. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ At the Billboard Awards my skirt was so tight they had to lift me on stage. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ You know what, I'm very attracted to someone who makes me laugh and is that charming. Really, I could be charmed by anyone. I'm just a sucker for somebody that is charming. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ You know what, I'm very attracted to someone who makes me laugh and is that charming. Really, I could be charmed by anyone. I'm just a sucker for somebody that is charming. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ I'd done a couple of sitcoms earlier on, but I wasn't very good in them, so I thought that meant I couldn't act. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We're negotiating solo projects for all three of us. They're all going to come out at the same time. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ I'd done a couple of sitcoms earlier on, but I wasn't very good in them, so I thought that meant I couldn't act. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ If he invited you out, he's got to pay. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We started when we were 9 years old, and here we are getting a Hollywood star. Dreams come true. So thank you all so much for supporting us. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ The great thing about McDonald's is that they have a lot of different things on the menu. I love their salads. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We're negotiating solo projects for all three of us. They're all going to come out at the same time. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ The great thing about McDonald's is that they have a lot of different things on the menu. I love their salads. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We're negotiating solo projects for all three of us. They're all going to come out at the same time. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We're negotiating solo projects for all three of us. They're all going to come out at the same time. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ If he invited you out, he's got to pay. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ If he invited you out, he's got to pay. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ You know what, I'm very attracted to someone who makes me laugh and is that charming. Really, I could be charmed by anyone. I'm just a sucker for somebody that is charming. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We're negotiating solo projects for all three of us. They're all going to come out at the same time. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ If he invited you out, he's got to pay. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ I'd done a couple of sitcoms earlier on, but I wasn't very good in them, so I thought that meant I couldn't act. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We're negotiating solo projects for all three of us. They're all going to come out at the same time. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ The great thing about McDonald's is that they have a lot of different things on the menu. I love their salads. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We're negotiating solo projects for all three of us. They're all going to come out at the same time. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We're negotiating solo projects for all three of us. They're all going to come out at the same time. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We're negotiating solo projects for all three of us. They're all going to come out at the same time. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles

“ We're negotiating solo projects for all three of us. They're all going to come out at the same time. ”

- Beyoncé Knowles
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