Quotes of Yoga - somelinesforyou

“ The practice of yoga has been an amazing tool to actually unearth where my inspiration lives inside my body and mind and heart. ”

- Rodney Yee

“ Yoga is the methodology with which to unveil the miracle that exists right in front of our faces and inside ourselves. ”

- Rodney Yee

“ A mind free from all disturbance is Yoga. ”

- Patanjali

“ Yoga is almost like music in a way; there's no end to it. ”

- Sting

“ Yoga is the cessation of mind. ”

- Patanjali

“ If yoga didn't exist, I'd invent it. ”

- Jennifer Aniston

“ Yoga is really trying to liberate us from... shame about our bodies. To love your body is a very important thing — I think the health of your mind depends on your being able to love your body. ”

- Rodney Yee

“ The state of severance of union with sorrow is known by the name of yoga. ”

- Bhagavad Gita

“ Yoga is difficult for the one whose mind is not subdued. ”

- Bhagavad Gita

“ Karma-yoga is a supreme secret indeed. ”

- Bhagavad Gita

“ This yoga should be practiced with firm determination and perseverance, without any mental reservation or doubts. ”

- Bhagavad Gita

“ This yoga is not possible, for the one who eats too much, or who does not eat at all; who sleeps too much, or who keeps awake. ”

- Bhagavad Gita

“ The meaning of our self is not to be found in its separateness from God and others, but in the ceaseless realisation of yoga, of union; not on the side of the canvas where it is blank, but on the side where the picture is being painted. ”

- Rabindranath Tagore

“ I was in yoga the other day. I was in full lotus position. My chakras were all aligned. My mind is cleared of all clatter and I'm looking out of my third eye and everything that I'm supposed to be doing. It's amazing what comes up, when you sit in that silence… ”

- Ellen DeGeneres

“ Yoga and alcohol may seem to be on polar opposites of the health spectrum, but a new health craze encourages practitioners to have their beer and drink it, too. The classes are often hosted in breweries and are introducing new audiences to yoga. By pairing booze and bending, beer yoga appeals to those who might not be interested in the more typical structure of a yoga class… ”

- Unknown

“ When I was a child and heard about angels, I was both frightened and fascinated by the thought of these enormous, invisible presences in our midst. I conceived of them not as white-robed androgynes with yellow locks and thick gold wings, which was how my friend Matty Wilson had described them to me — Matty was the predecessor of all sorts of arcane knowledge — but as big, dark, blundering men, massive in their weightlessness, given to pranks and ponderous play, who might knock you over, or break you in half, without meaning to… ”

- John Banville

“ You can enter yoga, or the path of yoga, only when you are totally frustrated with your own mind as it is. If you are still hoping that you can gain something through your mind, yoga is not for you. ”

- Osho

“ Yoga is so universal in its principles and so holistically beneficial, it is possible for any person, young or old, religious or agnostic, to embrace and enjoy a practice. ”

- Christy Turlington

“ Yoga calms me down. It's a therapy session, a workout, and meditation all at the same time! ”

- Jennifer Aniston

“ The most important pieces of equipment you need for doing yoga are your body and your mind. ”

- Rodney Yee

“ Sit still. Stop thinking. ”

- Aleister Crowley

“ In Karma-yoga no effort is ever lost, and there is no harm. Even a little practice of this discipline protects one from great fear. ”

- Bhagavad Gita

“ Yoga in Mayfair or Fifth Avenue, or in any other place which is on the telephone, is a spiritual fake. ”

- Carl Jung

“ A photographer gets people to pose for him. A yoga instructor gets people to pose for themselves. ”

- Terri Guillemets

“ As I have practiced yoga in the quest for inner peace I have found that my spiritual practice doesn't end when I leave the yoga mat. That is the beginning. While having a time of quiet each day is essential for our spiritual health, it is what we do in the world that propels us forward as individuals and as a society. ”

- Darren John Main
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