Quotes of Wed - somelinesforyou

“ I want to tell you, don't marry suffering. Some people do. They get married to it, and sleep and eat together, just as husband and wife. If they go with joy they think it's adultery. ”

- Saul Bellow

“ We all know that Prime Ministers are wedded to the truth, but like other wedded couples they sometimes live apart. ”

- Hector Hugh Munro

“ I think when an actress marries she should leave the stage. She cannot be happy if she is married and remains on the stage. She must care more for her art or for her husband.... If I ever loved a man better than I love my art, I should marry him and leave the stage… ”

- Billie Burke

“ I don't want to marry again. I did that. ”

- Lynn Redgrave

“ It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable. ”

- Eric Hoffer

“ You may marry the man of your dreams, ladies, but fourteen years later you're married to a couch that burps. ”

- Roseanne Barr

“ Everybody wants you to do good things, but in a small town you pretty much graduate and get married. Mostly you marry, have children and go to their football games. ”

- Faith Hill

“ All business success rests on something labeled a sale, which at least momentarily weds company and customer. ”

- Tom Peters

“ This is the month, and this the happy morn, wherein the Son of heaven's eternal King, of wedded Maid and Virgin Mother born, our great redemption from above did bring. ”

- John Milton

“ The sweetest lives are those to duty wed, whose deeds both great and small are close-knit strands of an unbroken thread, where love enables all. ”

- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

“ For I've been born and I've been wed — all of man's peril comes of bed. ”

- C. H. Webb

“ Affliction is enamoured of thy parts, and thou art wedded to calamity. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Like dear St. Francis of Assisi I am wedded to Poverty: but in my case the marriage is not a success. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ The trouble with wedlock is that there's not enough wed and too much lock. ”

- Christopher Morley

“ All the ballparks and the big crowds have a certain mystique. You feel attached, permanently wedded to the sounds that ring out, to the fans chanting your name, even when there are only four or five thousand in the stands on a Wednesday afternoon. ”

- Mickey Mantle
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