Quotes of Vivid - somelinesforyou

“ Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming. ”

- Joseph B. Wirthlin

“ The great city can teach something that no university by itself can altogether impart: a vivid sense of the largeness of human brotherhood, a vivid sense of man's increasing obligation to man; a vivid sense of our absolute dependence on one another. ”

- Seth Low

“ All that's bright must fade, The brightest still the fleetest; All that's sweet was made But to be lost when sweetest. ”

- Robert Bulwer Lytton

“ Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Colorful candles burning bright, each lit on eight very special nights. ”

- Unknown

“ About astrology and palmistry: they are good because they make people vivid and full of possibilities. They are communism at its best. Everybody has a birthday and almost everybody has a palm. ”

- Kurt Vonnegut

“ People who love ideas must have a love of words, and that means, given a chance; they take a vivid interest in the clothes which words wear. ”

- Beatrice Wade

“ Our sense of power is more vivid when we break a man's spirit than when we win his heart. ”

- Eric Hoffer

“ The sexual parts are not only vivid examples of the body's dominion; they are also apertures whose damp emissions and ammoniac smells testify to the mysterious putrefaction of the body. ”

- Roger Scruton

“ Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now. ”

- Denis Waitley

“ Glory is largely a theatrical concept. There is no striving for glory without a vivid awareness of an audience. ”

- Eric Hoffer

“ Things somehow seem more real and vivid when one can apply somebody else's ready-made phrase about them. ”

- Aldous Huxley

“ Sports serve society by providing vivid examples of excellence. ”

- George F. Will

“ Stanley Kubrick knew we had good graphics around MIT and came to my lab to find out how to do it. We had some really good stuff. I was very impressed with Kubrick; he knew all the graphics work I had ever heard of, and probably more. ”

- Marvin Minsky

“ One should never count the years — one should instead count one's interests. I have kept young trying never to lose my childhood sense of wonderment. I am glad I still have a vivid curiosity about the world I live in. ”

- Helen Keller

“ To forgive is not to forget. The merit lies in loving in spite of the vivid knowledge that the one that must be loved is not a friend. There is no merit in loving an enemy when you forget him for a friend. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi

“ Poetry reveals to us the loveliness of nature, brings back the freshness of youthful feelings, reviews the relish of simple pleasures, keeps unquenched the enthusiasm which warmed the springtime of our being, refines youthful love, strengthens our interest in human mature, by vivid delineations of its tenderest and softest feelings, and through the brightness of its prophetic visions, helps faith to lay hold on the future life. ”

- William Ellery Channing

“ Wit and Humor — if any difference, it is in duration — lightning and electric light. Same material, apparently; but one is vivid, and can do damage — the other fools along and enjoys elaboration. ”

- Mark Twain

“ When the Somalians were merely another hungry third world people, we sent them guns. Now that they are falling down dead from starvation, we send them troops. Some may see in this a tidy metaphor for the entire relationship between north and south. But it would make a whole lot more sense nutritionally — as well as providing infinitely more vivid viewing — if the Somalians could be persuaded to eat the troops. ”

- Barbara Ehrenreich

“ The sun was shining in my eyes, and I could barely see to do the necessary task that was allotted me. Resentment of the vivid glow I started to complain. When all at once upon the air I heard the blind man's cane. ”

- Earl Musselman
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