Quotes of Vest - somelinesforyou

“ Why yes - a bulletproof vest. ”

- James Rodges

“ He who observes etiquette but objects to lying is like someone who dresses fashionably but wears no vest. ”

- Walter Benjamin

“ The American, if he has a spark of national feeling, will be humiliated by the very prospect of a foreigner's visit to Congress — these, for the most part, illiterate hacks whose fancy vests are spotted with gravy, and whose speeches, hypocritical, unctuous, and slovenly, are spotted also with the gravy of political patronage, these persons are a reflection on the democratic process rather than of it; they expose it in its process rather than of it; they expose it in its underwear. ”

- Mary McCarthy

“ Back at that time, we played the songs pretty much the way we heard them on the records. We streamlined them somewhat. We even had band uniforms that we wore and that was one of the first things I had to do. I went out to the department store and purchased black slacks and a black vest and a green corduroy blazer… ”

- Michael Davis

“ In Rio Bravo when Duke makes love to Feathers, the scene dissolves to the next morning where we see him putting on his vest and almost humming. It was subtle, but you knew what happened. Give me a towel and some blankets any day! ”

- Angie Dickinson
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