Quotes of Vatican - somelinesforyou

“ Rome was not built in one day. ”

- John Heywood

“ That married couples can live together day after day is a miracle the Vatican has overlooked. ”

- Bill Cosby

“ What we need now is a Treaty of the World not a Treaty of Rome. ”

- Bernie Ecclestone

“ When they are at Rome, they do there as they see done. ”

- Robert Burton

“ When you are at Rome, do as you see. ”

- Cervantes

“ When you are at Rome live in the Roman style; when you are elsewhere live as they live elsewhere. ”

- Saint Ambrose

“ The world knows only two, that's Rome and I. ”

- Ben Jonson

“ Rome wasn't built in a day. ”

- John Heywood

“ To Rome for everything. ”

- Cervantes

“ When in Rome, do as Rome does. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ Rome was not built in a day. ”

- Unknown

“ The Vatican is a dagger in the heart of Italy. ”

- Thomas Paine

“ Vatican II was a force that seized the mind of the Roman Catholic Church and carried it across centuries from the 13th to the 20th. ”

- Lance Morrow

“ Just as he lived on his own terms, advocating for the rights of human beings, the rights of those who were forgotten or ignored, from victims of rape in Africa, to the homeless on streets worldwide, he chose to move into a more abundant life, not from a hospital bed, but from his home in Vatican City… ”

- Sheila Jackson Lee

“ I think one of the conclusions that many Catholics drew from the Second Vatican Council is there're just a lot fewer mortal sins than there used to be. So we don't really have to confess them, and we can make a good act of contrition, as we used to say, and receive communion, and it's fine. ”

- Andrew Greeley
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