Quotes of Vanquish - somelinesforyou

“ Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything. ”

- George Lois

“ I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self. ”

- Aristotle

“ If you overpower your enemy, then pardon him by way of thankfulness to Allah, for being able to subdue him. ”

- Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib

“ If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing. ”

- Unknown

“ Past, and to come, seems best; things present, worst. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Time is what we want most, but… what we use worst. ”

- William Penn

“ They can conquer who believe they can. He has not learned the first lesson in life who does not every day surmount a fear. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ In ourselves are triumph and defeat. ”

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“ The worst thing that happens to you may be the best thing for you if you don't let it get the best of you. ”

- Will Rogers

“ Who, apart From ourselves, can see any difference between Our victories and our defeats? ”

- Christopher Fry

“ I think in Atlantic Canada, because of what happened in the decades following Confederation, there is a culture of defeat that we have to overcome. ”

- Stephen Harper

“ Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst. ”

- Henri Cartier Bresson

“ They can conquer who believe they can. ”

- Virgil

“ Those who appear the most sanctified are the worst. ”

- Elizabeth I

“ We have to do everything we can to defeat. ”

- Paul Bremer

“ When things are at their worst I find something always happens. ”

- W. Somerset Maugham

“ There's a victory, and defeat; the first and best of victories, the lowest and worst of defeats which each man gains or sustains at the hands not of another, but of himself. ”

- Plato

“ If I were playing third base and my mother were rounding third with the run that was going to beat us, I'd trip her. Oh, I'd pick her up and brush her off and say, "Sorry, Mom," but nobody beats me. ”

- Leo Durocher

“ You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. Please remember that your difficulties do not define you. They simply strengthen your ability to overcome. ”

- Maya Angelou

“ Schizophrenia beats dining alone. ”

- Oscar Levant

“ It was easier to conquer it than to know what to do with it. ”

- Horace Walpole

“ A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled one is truly vanquished. ”

- Johann Christoph Schiller

“ Since the whole affair had become one of religion, the vanquished were of course exterminated. ”

- Voltaire

“ Christ's grave was the birthplace of an indestructible belief that death is vanquished and there is life eternal. ”

- Adolph Harnack

“ He who attacks must vanquish. He who defends must merely survive. ”

- Master Kahn

“ I will write of him who fights and vanquishes his sins, who struggles on through weary years against himself … and wins. ”

- Caroline Begelow Lerow

“ Man must vanquish himself, must do himself violence, in order to perform the slightest action untainted by evil. ”

- Emil Cioran

“ She fights and vanquishes in me, and I live and breathe in her, and I have life and being. ”

- Miguel de Cervantes

“ The rapture of pursuing is the prize the vanquished gain. ”

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“ Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it. ”

- Steve Prefontaine
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