Quotes of Van - somelinesforyou

“ Women are like cars: we all want a Ferrari, sometimes want a pickup truck, and end up with a station wagon. ”

- Tim Allen

“ Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do. ”

- Ronald Reagan

“ I wouldn't mind meeting Eddie Van Halen. That would be great. We need to invite him to a race. ”

- Al Unser

“ I used to be pretty reckless. When I was a runner for a production company, I drove a massive 16 seater van. I was only 18. I mean I look young now, but then I looked about 12. ”

- Gail Porter

“ I don't think I can tell any stories about how I lived in a van in Alaska. I grew up in the suburbs, I even had my own room. We weren't poor. Everything was very normal. ”

- Lisa Loeb

“ Van Gogh became a painter because he had no ear for music. ”

- Nikki Harris

“ Officers from the 44th Precinct in the High Bridge section of the Bronx arrested two men in a blue van who were trying to make off with the corner of 161st Street and Jerome Avenue. ”

- William R. Greer

“ Sometimes I'll listen to a little old Van Halen, or some Beatles, Zeppelin stuff, classical music… I like a lot of different things. ”

- Eric Carr

“ All my life, as down an abyss without a bottom. I have been pouring van loads of information into that vacancy of oblivion I call my mind. ”

- Logan Pearsall Smith

“ Caboose, cabin car, crummy, way car, van, ape cage, throne room, hack, buggy, the office, shanty, monkey house, bedbug haven-American railroaders have known the last car on a freight train by all these names and more, and often as an ever-so-humble home. ”

- Donald Dale Jackson

“ What's going to happen is, very soon, we're going to run out of petroleum, and everything depends on petroleum. And there go the school buses. There go the fire engines. The food trucks will come to a halt. This is the end of the world. ”

- Kurt Vonnegut

“ I love romantic comedies. They're for me the easiest thing to do and the most natural to do. There's nothing natural about holding an uzi hanging out of a moving van shooting at people. That's not second nature to me, thank God. ”

- Gabrielle Union

“ I got a phone call from a Twentieth Century-Fox producer… asking me to go to Hollywood to paint pictures of the stars… the commisssion was to paint portraits of nine stars-Ann-Margret, Bing Crosby, Robert Cummigs, Van Heflin, Mike Connors, Alex Cord, Slim Pickens, Stefanie Powers, and Red Buttons… painting six of them is a lot of work… ”

- Norman Rockwell

“ I know when I go outside, there'll be a van or two and they'll probably follow us four out of seven days a week, trying to get something. But I'm just going across town and I know they're just wasting their day, so it doesn't bother me anymore. ”

- Brad Pitt

“ I was an acidhead and a pot smoker. There was this one time some friends and I were ditching off campus at lunch. We didn't make it back in time, and school officials found us smoking weed in a van around the corner. I was so stoned that when they started taking names and I said mine was April June… ”

- Jolene Blalock
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