Quotes of William R. Greer - somelinesforyou

“ Officers from the 44th Precinct in the High Bridge section of the Bronx arrested two men in a blue van who were trying to make off with the corner of 161st Street and Jerome Avenue. ”

- William R. Greer

“ Officers from the 44th Precinct in the High Bridge section of the Bronx arrested two men in a blue van who were trying to make off with the corner of 161st Street and Jerome Avenue. ”

- William R. Greer

“ Officers from the 44th Precinct in the High Bridge section of the Bronx arrested two men in a blue van who were trying to make off with the corner of 161st Street and Jerome Avenue. ”

- William R. Greer

“ Officers from the 44th Precinct in the High Bridge section of the Bronx arrested two men in a blue van who were trying to make off with the corner of 161st Street and Jerome Avenue. ”

- William R. Greer

“ Officers from the 44th Precinct in the High Bridge section of the Bronx arrested two men in a blue van who were trying to make off with the corner of 161st Street and Jerome Avenue. ”

- William R. Greer

“ Officers from the 44th Precinct in the High Bridge section of the Bronx arrested two men in a blue van who were trying to make off with the corner of 161st Street and Jerome Avenue. ”

- William R. Greer

“ Officers from the 44th Precinct in the High Bridge section of the Bronx arrested two men in a blue van who were trying to make off with the corner of 161st Street and Jerome Avenue. ”

- William R. Greer

“ Officers from the 44th Precinct in the High Bridge section of the Bronx arrested two men in a blue van who were trying to make off with the corner of 161st Street and Jerome Avenue. ”

- William R. Greer
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