Quotes of Uprightness - somelinesforyou

“ Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path. ”

- Bible

“ The king's strength also loveth judgment; thou dost establish equity, thou executest judgment and righteousness in Jacob. ”

- Bible

“ Justice is a certain rectitude of mind whereby a man does what he ought to do in the circumstances confronting him. ”

- St. Thomas Aquinas

“ You may be as vicious about me as you please. You will only do me justice. ”

- Richard Burton

“ Three simple words - freedom, justice and honesty. These sum up what the Liberal Democrats stand for. ”

- Charles Kennedy

“ Morality is a test of our conformity rather than our integrity. ”

- Jane Rule

“ There is no such thing as can't, only won't. If you're qualified, all it takes is a burning desire to accomplish, to make a change. Go forward, go backward. Whatever it takes! But you can't blame other people or society in general. It all comes from your mind… ”

- Jan Ashford

“ I am whatever you say I am; if I wasn't, then why would you say I am. ”

- Eminem

“ We wish peace, but we wish the peace of justice, the peace of righteousness. We wish it because we think it is right and not because we are afraid. ”

- Theodore Roosevelt

“ So always, if we look back, concern for face-to-face morality, and its modern emphasis on justice as well, have historically evolved as religious issues. ”

- Huston Smith

“ He represents the American tradition of excellence and honesty and integrity. In a sense, he was the Steven Spielberg of his time. ”

- Martin Scorsese

“ He's a man of integrity and fairness and throughout his life he's inspired the respect and loyalty of others. ”

- George W. Bush

“ Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment, and do justice: for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. ”

- Bible

“ If you see oppression of the poor, and justice and righteousness trampled in a country, do not be astounded. ”

- King Solomon

“ At stake, in the final analysis, is the very integrity of the governmental processes I came to the Department of Justice to help restore. ”

- Elliot Richardson

“ You've said was one of the justices you admire the most. ”

- Patrick Leahy

“ Confidence in others' honesty is no light testimony of one's own integrity. ”

- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

“ Unless justice be done to others it will not be done to us. ”

- Woodrow Wilson

“ Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both. ”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

“ Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich. ”

- The Holy Bible

“ Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people. ”

- Spencer Johnson

“ Integrity is what we do, what we say, and what we say we do. ”

- Don Galer

“ Justice has nothing to do with what goes on in a courtroom; Justice is what comes out of a courtroom. ”

- Clarence Darrow

“ Do the next thing. ”

- John Wanamaker

“ Justice is having and doing what is one's own. ”

- Plato

“ There is no such thing as justice - in or out of court. ”

- Clarence Darrow

“ There is no such thing as justice, in or out of court. ”

- Clarence Darrow

“ Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you. ”

- H. Jackson Browne Jr.

“ No, no, we are not satisfied and will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream. ”

- Martin Luther King Jr.

“ There is no such thing as justice — in or out of court. ”

- Clarence Darrow
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