Quotes of Unpopular - somelinesforyou

“ By a curious confusion, many modern critics have passed from the proposition that a masterpiece may be unpopular to the other proposition that unless it is unpopular it cannot be a masterpiece. ”

- G. K. Chesterton

“ My esoteric doctrine, is that if you entertain any doubt, it is safest to take the unpopular side in the first instance. Transit from the unpopular, is easy… but from the popular to the unpopular is so steep and rugged that it is impossible to maintain it. ”

- Lord Melbourne

“ Nothing can be more abhorrent to democracy than to imprison a person or keep him in prison because he is unpopular. This is really the test of civilization. ”

- Winston Churchill

“ The world will only, in the end, follow those who have despised as well as served it. ”

- Samuel Butler

“ My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular. ”

- Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.

“ If you really want to make a difference, stand up for an unpopular cause. ”

- Edward Asner

“ A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular. ”

- Adlai Stevenson

“ You've got to ensure that the holders of an opinion, however unpopular, are allowed to put across their points of view. ”

- Betty Boothroyd

“ To solve big problems you have to be willing to do unpopular things. ”

- Lee Iacocca

“ The history of progress is written in the blood of men and women who have dared to espouse an unpopular cause, as, for instance, the black man's right to his body, or woman's right to her soul. ”

- Emma Goldman

“ A slipping gear in your M203 grenade launcher can cause it to fire when you least expect it. This could make you very unpopular with what is left of your unit. ”

- Unknown

“ I cringe when critics say I'm a master of the popular novel. What's an unpopular novel? ”

- Irwin Shaw

“ Home of lost causes, and forsaken beliefs, and unpopular names, and impossible loyalties! ”

- Matthew

“ All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular positions. ”

- Adlai E. Stevenson

“ A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular. ”

- Adlai E. Stevenson

“ Isn't it strange that I who have written only unpopular books should be such a popular fellow? ”

- Albert Einstein

“ A free society is a place where it's safe to be unpopular. ”

- Adlai Stevenson

“ I am an unpopular electric eel in a pool of catfish. ”

- Edith Sitwell

“ Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant, filled with odd waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like. ”

- Lemony Snicket

“ An unpopular rule is never long maintained. ”

- Seneca

“ First make yourself unpopular, then people will take you seriously. ”

- Konrad Adenauer

“ Great merit, or great failings, will make you respected or despised; but trifles, little attentions, mere nothings, either done or neglected, will make you either liked or disliked in the general run of the world. ”

- Lord Chesterfield

“ Great merit, or great failings, will make you respected or despised; but trifles, little attentions, mere nothings, either done or neglected, will make you either liked or disliked in the general run of the world. ”

- Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

“ There is a terrible tendency to conform today. It's choking this country. It's particularly sad because all great men and women have had one quality in common'they have dared to be different, dared to speak their minds, dared to espouse the unpopular cause. ”

- Jack Lord

“ Survey data suggest that war has become more unpopular. The majority of the American people now think it was a mistake, in a shift away from the 51 percent that endorsed it on Election Day. Admittedly this is only a small change in the population, from a majority to a minority… ”

- Andrew Greeley
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