Quotes of Unify - somelinesforyou

“ Africa Unite: The Singles Collection. ”

- Bob Marley

“ Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains. ”

- Karl Marx

“ Imitation is for shirkers, like-mindedness for the comfort lovers, unifying for the creators. ”

- Mary Parker Follett

“ He who integrates is lost. ”

- Theodor W. Adorno

“ No tribe unites with another of its own free will. ”

- Arthur Keith

“ It will not be any European statesman who will unite Europe: Europe will be united by the Chinese. ”

- Charles de Gaulle

“ Our nation must come together to unite. ”

- George W. Bush

“ Homecoming unites the past and the present. ”

- Unknown

“ Victor and vanquished never unite in substantial agreement. ”

- Tacitus

“ The unifying of opposites is the eternal process. ”

- Mary Parker Follett

“ Men cannot for long live hopefully unless they are embarked upon some great unifying enterprise — one for which they may pledge their lives, their fortunes and their honor. ”

- Clarence Addison Dykstra

“ I think there will be broad participation in the national assembly,... Minorities will be represented. There's been reaching out to Kurds and the Sunnis in construction of the constitution that will continue. ”

- Bill Frist

“ I want Latina women to realize that you can't just consider yourself Latin when you're in America. You have to hold on to your roots. Culture is something you NEVER want to lose. I like influencing Latina women into knowing that there's a chance to rise above the racial barriers… ”

- Michelle Rodriguez

“ Even during the major avant-garde period of jazz in the late '60s and early '70s, the songs usually had melodies, some harmonic starting-off point, or something to unify a particular piece in the beginning. ”

- Herbie Hancock

“ There was the movement on the West Coast and there was just a general consciousness that was coming about with all young people, unifying them- being against the war, being for the legalization of pot and the liberating of sexual taboos and restrictions and ignorant points of view that we learned growing up and learned to hate… ”

- Michael Davis
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