Quotes of Tyrant - somelinesforyou

“ A collective tyrant, spread over the length and breadth of the land, is no more acceptable than a single tyrant ensconced on his throne. ”

- Georges Clemenceau

“ How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words! ”

- Samuel Adams

“ The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea. ”

- John Adams

“ Learning is the best of all wealth; it is easy to carry, thieves cannot steal it, the tyrants cannot seize it; neither water nor fire can destroy it; and far from decreasing, it increases by giving. ”

- Naladiyar

“ Whilst shame keeps its watch, virtue is not wholly extinguished in the heart; nor will moderation be utterly exiled from the minds of tyrants. ”

- Edmund Burke

“ Tyrants seldom want pretexts. ”

- Edmund Burke

“ Tyrants have not yet discovered any chains that can fetter the mind. ”

- Charles Caleb Colton

“ Today the tyrant rules, not by club or fist, but disguised as a market researcher; he shepherds his flocks in the ways of utility and comfort. ”

- Marshall McLuhan

“ In a republic, that paradise of debility, the politician is a petty tyrant who obeys the laws. ”

- Emil Cioran

“ The worst tyrants are those which establish themselves in our own breasts. ”

- William Ellery Channing

“ The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don't turn against him, they crush those beneath them. ”

- Emily Bronte

“ The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins. ”

- Soren Kierkegaard

“ The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. ”

- Thomas Jefferson

“ The people always have some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness. This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector. ”

- Plato

“ The fanatic is incorruptible: if he kills for an idea, he can just as well get himself killed for one; in either case, tyrant or martyr, he is a monster. ”

- Emil Cioran

“ The East Wind, an interloper in the dominions of Westerly Weather, is an impassive-faced tyrant with a sharp poniard held behind his back for a treacherous stab. ”

- Joseph Conrad

“ Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God. ”

- Thomas Jefferson

“ Public opinion, a vulgar, impertinent, anonymous tyrant who deliberately makes life unpleasant for anyone who is not content to the average. person. ”

- Dean William R. Inge

“ Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate. ”

- Henry David Thoreau

“ More harm was done in the 20th century by faceless bureaucrats than tyrant dictators. ”

- Dennis Prager

“ Men like Hitler and Stalin and their immediate lieutenants cannot plead in defence of their actions that these were justified by the accepted values of that time. ”

- Douglas Hurd

“ It seems to me that I have always existed and that I possess memories that date back to the Pharaohs. ”

- Gustave Flaubert

“ They up? ”

- Dick Gregory

“ Despotism is unjust to everybody, including the despot, who was probably made for better things. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ A good constitution is infinitely better than the best despot. ”

- Thomas B. Macaulay

“ My dad was a tyrant. He used to physically beat the crap out of us. ”

- Dennis Wilson

“ I don't think I could be happy as an actor if there was a tyrant on the set. ”

- David Warner

“ The sovereign is called a tyrant who knows no laws but his caprice. ”

- Voltaire

“ Few governments in the world, for example, praise human rights more ardently than does the government of France, and few have a worse record of supporting tyrants and killers. ”

- Richard Perle

“ Public opinion, a vulgar, impertinent, anonymous tyrant who deliberately makes life unpleasant for anyone who is not content to the average person. ”

- William R. Inge
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