Quotes of David Warner - somelinesforyou

“ I don't think I could be happy as an actor if there was a tyrant on the set. ”

- David Warner

“ To tell an ally - who is shedding blood next to you - that you can't share information is a crime. ”

- David Warner

“ To tell an ally - who is shedding blood next to you - that you can't share information is a crime. ”

- David Warner

“ I've been in horror movies, I've been in silly comedies. Actually did a musical once. ”

- David Warner

“ I don't think I could be happy as an actor if there was a tyrant on the set. ”

- David Warner

“ I don't think I could be happy as an actor if there was a tyrant on the set. ”

- David Warner

“ On film sets, people get put down in public a lot. ”

- David Warner

“ I don't think I could be happy as an actor if there was a tyrant on the set. ”

- David Warner

“ I've been in horror movies, I've been in silly comedies. Actually did a musical once. ”

- David Warner

“ I've been in horror movies, I've been in silly comedies. Actually did a musical once. ”

- David Warner

“ On film sets, people get put down in public a lot. ”

- David Warner

“ On film sets, people get put down in public a lot. ”

- David Warner

“ I've been in horror movies, I've been in silly comedies. Actually did a musical once. ”

- David Warner

“ I don't think I could be happy as an actor if there was a tyrant on the set. ”

- David Warner
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