Quotes of Tuesday - somelinesforyou

“ God runs electromagnetics by wave theory on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and the Devil runs them by quantum theory on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. ”

- Sir William Bragg

“ Creativity is a highfalutin' word for the work I have to do between now and Tuesday. ”

- Ray Kroc

“ I have always paid income tax; I object only when it reaches a stage when I am threatened with having nothing left for my old age — which is due to start next Tuesday or Wednesday. ”

- Noel Coward

“ I went out there for a thousand a week, and I worked Monday, and I got fired Wednesday. The guy that hired me was out of town Tuesday. ”

- Nelson Algren

“ I have always paid income tax. I object only when it reaches a stage when I am threatened with having nothing left for my old age - which is due to start next Tuesday or Wednesday. ”

- Noel Coward

“ I think my greatest single achievement took place on a Tuesday in March, when, with much bribery and corruption, I got them to clear the Grand Canal. That was truly Wagnerian. ”

- Tony Palmer

“ On the third Tuesday of every September, floodgates are opened in a tall building on the East River in New York and a Niagara of rhetoric gushes forth for three months. ”

- Anthony Parsons

“ Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays. ”

- Henry Youngman

“ Spirituality is the sacred center of which all life comes, including Mondays and Tuesdays and rainy Saturday afternoons in all their mundane and glorious details. ”

- Christina Baldwin

“ People get a bad impression of it by continually trying to treat it as if it was a bank clerk, who ought to be on time on Tuesday next, instead of philosophically seeing it as a painter, who may do anything so long as you don't try to predict what. ”

- Katharine Whitehorn
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