Quotes of Trophy - somelinesforyou

“ I wish I could give you a lot of advice, based on my experience of winning political debates. But I don't have that experience. My only experience is at losing them. ”

- Richard M. Nixon

“ Language is the armory of the human mind, and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests. ”

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“ Like Olympic medals and tennis trophies, all they signified was that the owner had done something of no benefit to anyone more capably than everyone else. ”

- Joseph Heller

“ The notion that the public accepts or rejects anything in modern art is merely romantic fiction. The game is completed and the trophies distributed long before the public knows what has happened. ”

- Thomas Wolfe

“ A collection of short stories is generally thought to be a horrendous clinker; an enforced courtesy for the elderly writer who wants to display the trophies of his youth, along with his trout flies. ”

- John Cheever

“ It is a pity that my collection of trophies contains not a single Russian. ”

- Baron Manfred von Richthofen

“ It is much simpler and easier to collect and caress the trophies of our democratic inheritance than it is to fashion up-to-date tools with which to work on our current problems. ”

- proved.

“ Gold medals aren't really made of gold. They're made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts. ”

- Dan Gable

“ They don't give you gold medals for beating somebody. They give you gold medals for beating everybody. ”

- Michael Johnson

“ You can melt down all the medals and cups I have and they wouldn't be a plating on the 24-carat friendship I felt for Long at that moment. ”

- Jesse Owens
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