Quotes of Transition - somelinesforyou

“ In order for us to realize genuine happiness, we must be willing to court contentment every step of the way. ”

- Sarah Ban Breathnach

“ I'm taking my time trying to transition because the Aaron Carter you saw back then now a completely different person. ”

- Aaron Carter

“ We need to have 2006 be a year of transition. ”

- Carl Levin

“ When our first parents were driven out of Paradise, Adam is believed to have remarked to Eve, "My dear, we live in an age of transition.". ”

- Dean William R. Inge

“ We're seeing an epidemic of people who are having a hard time making the transition to work kids who had too much success early in life and who've become accustomed to instant gratification,... Ready or Not, Here Life Comes. ”

- Mel Levine

“ We make a lot of fun at President Clinton's expense. But this transition is going to be tough because it's been 25 years since this guy has gotten laid in the private sector. ”

- David Letterman

“ I let the winds of MTV blow through the show whenever possible, a lot of electronics for transitions, a lot of effects. ”

- Shari Lewis

“ Innumerable confusions and a feeling of despair invariably emerge in periods of great technological and cultural transition. ”

- Marshall McLuhan

“ Community colleges play an important role in helping people transition between careers by providing the retooling they need to take on a new career. ”

- Barack Obama

“ Not in his goals but in his transitions is man great. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ When our first parents were driven out of Paradise, Adam is believed to have remarked to Eve: "My dear, we live in an age of transition.". ”

- Dean Inge

“ In every age of well-marked transition, there is the pattern of habitual dumb practice and emotion which is passing and there is oncoming a new complex of habit. ”

- Alfred North Whitehead

“ Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis. ”

- Martha Beck

“ We do not deny the possibility of peaceful transition, but we are still awaiting the first case. ”

- Fidel Castro

“ The best performance improvement is the transition from the nonworking state to the working state. ”

- John Ousterhout

“ Disease can be seen as a call for personal transformation through metamorphosis. It is a transition from the death of your old self into the birth of your new. ”

- Tom O’Connor

“ Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome. ”

- Isaac Asimov

“ Nothing is secure but life, transition, the energizing spirit. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ A permanent state of transition is man's most noble condition. ”

- Juan Ramテウn Jimテゥnez

“ It has to do with being a committed follower of Christ. I feel as though I am in transition from admirer to disciple. ”

- Jim Cole

“ The Checklist of Change 1. Take your time. 2. Arrange temporary structures. 3. Don't act for the sake of action. 4. Recognize why you are uncomfortable. 5. Take care of yourself in little ways. 6. Explore the other side of change. 7. Get someone to talk to… ”

- William Bridges

“ gradual change is usually more fruitful in the long run than is forced, ultra-aggressive upheaval. Undertaken wisely, steady transitions cultivate authenticity, groundedness, and virtues — like patience, compassion, and perseverance. All these qualities improve your probability of success when, ultimately, you do figure out how to actualize your personal vision. ”

- Marsha Sinetar

“ Grief is perhaps an unknown territory for you. You might feel both helpless and hopeless without a sense of a map for the journey. Confusion is the hallmark of a transition. To rebuild both your inner and outer world is a major project. ”

- Anne Grant

“ Ronald Reagan will be remembered for leading the United States during a time of tremendous international transition - the demise of the Soviet Union, the Berlin Wall coming down, and the end of the Cold War. ”

- Mary Landrieu

“ I lost 90 pounds and my blood pressure went down to a normal level and the salt in my urine disappeared. And that was when I had to make the transition from fat character actor to thin character actor. ”

- Ron Perlman

“ Every landscape appears first of all as a vast chaos … . demonstrate that understanding consists in reducing one type of reality to another; that the true reality is never the most obvious; and that the nature of truth is already indicated by the care it takes to remain elusive… … ”

- Claude Levi Strauss

“ My first interest was always music, and somehow that channelled itself into films and acting. I don't know what the natural transition of it was. I mean I acted a little bit when I was young and like any kid would in a community theatre. ”

- Andy Garcia

“ It will be interesting to see how she reconciles her rhetoric of 2004, when she said that the election (for governor) was all about experience, when in this race, she's at a decided experience disadvantage. ”

- John Hancock

“ We live in a time of transition, an uneasy era which is likely to endure for the rest of this century. During the period we may be tempted to abandon some of the time-honored principles and commitments which have been proven during the difficult times of past generations… ”

- Jimmy Carter

“ The modern age has been characterized by a Promethean spirit, a restless energy that preys on speed records and shortcuts, unmindful of the past, uncaring of the future, existing only for the moment and the quick fix. The earthly rhythms that characterize a more pastoral way of life have been shunted aside to make room for the fast track of an urbanized existence… ”

- Jeremy Rifkin
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